Hi everyone! Welcome to Witchcraft & Metaphysics! If you’re new here, please check out this About Page to find out more. Every month I release a themed, downloadable pack filled with activities, rituals, prompts and more, all to help us enhance our relationships with Magic. The theme for this month’s pack is Expanding Magic’s POTENTIAL. The download is at the end of the post. Enjoy! My work depends entirely on subscribers, so please sign up. If you can afford to upgrade to paid, please do…this is my sole source of income and I want to keep creating for you. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to those already subscribed. Let’s keep building this amazing community of magic together!
I’m very excited about this month’s pack! Even though I created the rest of the packs through the lens of relating well with Magic, they are still largely based on ways that we receive goodness. This month, however, we’re shifting our focus to giving back to Magic. Specifically, we’re going to be giving LOVE to Magic.
You might be wondering what giving love to Magic has to do with expanding Magic’s potential (since that’s the name of this month’s pack).
To begin with, this is probably a good time to remind you that this year's series of magical downloadable packs aligns with the astrological wheel of houses. This is our 10th month and so we’re focusing on the 10th house.
Traditionally speaking, the tenth house is usually believed to govern things like career and achievement. Since I can never seem to leave well enough alone, I prefer to think of the 10th house as the house of our highest potential. Sometimes our highest potential has to do with career and achievement, but not always.
Potential basically means the power to become. Whatever our highest potential—whatever is the most optimal thing we can become—is going to change from one moment to the next, depending on circumstances.
When I decided to focus this month’s pack on “Expanding Magic’s Potential” I wanted to explore ways we can support Magic—the vast, many-faced dimension of the Great Unseen—in becoming. Becoming manifest. Becoming a force we recognize, bond with, commit to and take on as a partner in life.
I got quiet and asked my guides for ideas on just how we might go about such a thing. They replied with a question: “How do you support your other loved ones in expanding their potential?”
I thought of my son and my husband, my whole family and all of my friends. I answered, “I guess I simply try to let them know that they are loved so that they feel secure and comfortable; so that they have that foundation from which to expand.”
One of the easiest ways I know to help another feel loved and supported is through the fun tool of love languages.
Coined by Dr. Gary Chapman, love languages are based on the idea that we each have a unique way that we prefer to receive love. The five most common love languages are receiving gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service and physical touch.
I realized we can take this exact approach in our relationships with Magic. Instead of trying to come up with spells or rituals to manipulate Magic to show up as more powerful in our lives (which is really only for our own benefit), we can practice relating well and offer Magic some genuine support.
So this month we’re going to practice relating with Magic through four of these five love languages. Being that Magic tends to be a very fluid, dynamic sort of entity, my sense is that it likes to receive love through all of the languages. We’ve been receiving gifts from Magic all year. This month, it’s our turn to give back to Magic.
Week one, we’ll explore the language of Gift-Giving through practices like making offerings to place, allies and Spirit.
Week two, we’ll explore the language of Words of Affirmation by sharpening our prayer and lyric writing skills.
Week three, we’ll explore the language of Quality Time through rituals that guide us to be present with Magic without having an agenda of our own.
Week four, we’ll explore the language of Acts of Service by taking on some of the heavy lifting for Magic in our lives.
Once we’ve expressed these four love languages to Magic, we will have established a strong relationship foundation that will allow Magic's potential to expand limitlessly. And we will have learned a thing or two about ourselves along the way!
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below, send me a DM, or reply to this email. I can’t wait to explore Magic’s Potential with you! 🤗✨
(In case you’ve missed any, you can find all of the downloadable packs here.)
Oh Jenna! How beautiful. Divine. Magical. How truly generous. Kindhearted and Compassionate. How lucky we are to share this with you. 🙏
I loved what you wrote "“I guess I simply try to let them know that they are loved so that they feel secure and comfortable; so that they have that foundation from which to expand.” - to LOVE - that I believe is the key to everything...to LOVE and to radiate this love to everyone we see. And then to give Love back to Magic...ooohhhh....how powerful is THAT!!! Thank you dear one 💫
This is amazing 🤩