Introducing Sacred Roots: A Year of Ancestral Healing, FAQ Post #2
Do I have to have any special skills or knowledge to do this work?
Dearest readers,
I hope this week finds you all thriving in whatever way feels best for you. 💖🤗 This is my second in a series of posts to introduce my upcoming year-long ancestral healing class that begins October 1.
In case you missed the first post, you can check it out here:
This class will be available to all paid subscribers. I wanted to begin introducing the topic by answering a few frequently asked questions. Over the next few weeks, each of my Thursday posts will take a look at one of these questions, including:
What if I don’t know or like my ancestors? What if I want nothing to do with them?
Can’t God/Spirit just heal the dead, or can’t they just handle things themselves?
What can I expect in this year-long class?
For this week, I decided to explore the question:
Do I have to have any special skills or knowledge to do this work?
The short answer here is no, not at all. It is our birthright to be in connection with our ancestors. It is not something that is only reserved for those who might consider themselves to be mediums or psychics. We are innately designed to know and access our connection with our ancestors.
In fact, one of my teachers was fond of saying that we have a relationship with our ancestors whether we want it or not; it’s simply a matter of deciding to become aware of it. We can choose to turn towards them and intentionally cultivate a relationship, which, again, takes no special abilities.
We don't have to already know how to talk to the dead, nor do we need to know our family trees to any extent. All of these skills and knowledge will come to us as needed once we begin doing the work.
Practice widens the path
I know it's not anyone's favorite answer, but being able to relate with “the other side” simply comes through practice. It’s a lot like learning a new language. The more we use it, the more fluent we become. It is also through practice that we learn to trust in the ways we connect with the ancestors; we learn to stop questioning what arises or thinking that we just made it up.
Getting this practice is one of the built-in benefits of the Sacred Roots class. As we go through this journey together, we ease into this expanded way of relating. With each step of the process, we get to work our perceiving muscles a little bit more and so by the end of the year it will be second nature to us. Plus, it’s been my experience that doing this sort of practice in a community setting is all the more potent.
The art of allowing
In addition to practice, I’ve also found that connecting with the ancestors is more fulfilling when I have a mindset of allowing rather than trying. It’s simply a shift towards being receptive to connection versus reaching out for it. The healed, vibrant, wise & well ancestors are already reaching towards us. All we have to do is open up a little bit and allow that connection to come through, knowing that whatever it is, it’s enough.
All kinds of wonderful things start to happen when we allow for these connections in our lives. One of my favorites is when we learn the origins of some of those repeating patterns of struggle we’ve been enduring over and over again. Through allowing, we come to see how these wounds have been passed down from generation to generation, that they are inherited and not of our creating. We can then set down the burden of blaming ourselves for these wounds. Many aspects of healing can come through the simple act of allowing the collective of vibrant ancestors to be integrated into our lives.
A framework for relating well
When my guides introduced the idea that we are all moving toward a more relational way of being, they gifted me a framework they call the five C's of relationship. This tool has been invaluable for helping me relate to all beings, including the ancestors. As we deepen our perception and understanding of the ancestors, we also strengthen our overall ability to relate. Here are the five C's as taught by my ancestors:
When it comes to relating, curiosity is much more important than another C-word: certainty. Especially in times of challenge or struggle, curiosity helps us pause and ask questions about what is occurring rather than jumping into reaction.
This holds true when relating with the ancestors too. Curiosity helps us respond more thoughtfully to ancestors who experienced harm, whether as victims or perpetrators. It encourages us to let go of preconceived notions and assumptions about those who came before, opening us to the surprising ways they may be both similar to and different from us. It also allows for the possibility that our ancestors are just as curious about us as we are of them.
I think it’s a good aim to practice consent as much as possible; to have permission before consciously impacting another whenever possible. In my opinion, it’s just as important to have an awareness—an intentionality—around giving (or not giving) our own consent.
In terms of the ancestors, it's essential that we have their consent before doing this healing work. This is one of the many reasons that we work through an already-healed guide who will know all the ins and outs of consent. At the same time, we give our own consent as far as how little or how much we want to personally be involved.
There are many ways to look at compassion, and it’s generally understood to mean being with—and wanting to alleviate—another's suffering in some capacity. Especially in regard to working with the ancestors, however, I like to look at compassion just a little differently. I think of it as the twofold process of:
Developing the capacity to witness another's suffering, and
Trying to hold the belief that everyone is doing their best.
Communication is at the heart of all relating and is a skill that I believe we’d do well to keep developing. Some basics of this include listening more than talking, as well as expressing with clarity and honesty.
In addition, when we begin a practice of communicating with the ancestors, we get to really learn about our own preferences for giving and receiving information. Much of this will come through our senses, which we are connected with in both physical and liminal realms (see the image below for a list of some of these), but also through dreams and synchronicities in our lives.
Containers are the 'where' of conscious relationship. It is the space where relationship takes place, or can even be thought of as the relationship itself. It’s the space that holds the parties in relationship; it’s where you and I meet in togetherness. There are many reasons that it’s important to tend these containers, but one of the things my guides impress upon me time and again is that, through tending the container, we make a priority of connection. Rather than waiting to be reminded that the relationship matters to us, or waiting for the other party to do something meaningful, we take it upon ourselves to cultivate and nourish the connection.
In terms of the ancestors, this can look like having an altar where we leave elaborate offerings, if we wish. But it can also be as simple as saying aloud, “Hey ancestors, I’m thinking of you. I’m wanting to connect with you. I’m sending you love.”
This journey is not about needing to become something more, but about returning to who we have always been—beings deeply connected to those who came before us. As we step into this work, we do so not just for ourselves, but for the collective of our lineages and for those who will come after us.
In the end, the invitation is simple: to allow, to connect, to relate. It is through these acts that we honor our ancestors and ourselves. And it is through these acts that we begin to heal the wounds of the past, not through any special skills or knowledge, but by simply being—open, curious, and willing to show up.
Every month of this year-long class will include video lessons, guided journeys, live healing circles, exclusive community chats, journal prompts, supportive resources and more. All this for just $55—an investment that will not only reshape your life, but also echo through the afterlife and generations to come.
And as a special gift, if you upgrade to paid before October 1, you'll receive an extra 3 months free! 🌟💖 Don’t miss this chance to create lasting change.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. I love hearing from you! You can reply to this email, leave a comment below, or send me a DM.
The thought that our ancestors are as curious about us as we are about them is always incredibly comforting and inspiring to me. I love the idea of allowing rather than trying, since it shifts the focus to receptivity, which is what a spiritual connection really is.
Beautiful to read this post while in the course of it. Bringing much "clarity" another "C", to this unfolding process and relationship. Truly magical, touching and powerful to meet with the ancestors. Along with so many doors that are opening around this. Deepest of gratitude Jenna, for inviting me in.