Welcome everyone! For an overview of what I’m doing here, please check out this post all about it. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building! (If you’d like to support this work by making a one-time donation, you can by me a cup of coffee here.❤️)
The Artist Archetype
The Artist is all about creating. It’s a pattern of energy that is intimately connected with the creative forces of the universe. This one has a need to create on a soul level. The act of creation can be expressed in any number of ways. It doesn’t have to come in the form of a painter, writer or musician (although it certainly can mean those things), but The Artist can also be found creating in the kitchen, garden, workshop or anywhere else in the world.
This drive to create enables The Artist to bring the intangible into form. Given that, The Artist possesses the ability to tap into the unseen realms and notice what lies beneath the surface. They can perceive in ways that others might miss and often have a deep connection to their emotions and those of others.
On the light side, the artist is a type of visionary who uses their creativity to bring beauty and meaning to those who encounter them. They are often willing to take risks and push boundaries in order to create something new and unique, offering innovations and new perspectives to the world.
In the shadow, the Artist might intentionally create harmful things. Or they might be so driven by the need to create that they are unable to be present and grounded in their physical lives. More commonly, however, the shadow Artist succumbs to self-doubt (for any number of reasons) and simply avoids creating.
Some questions to ask ourselves this week:
If time and money weren’t factors, what/how would I love to create?
Do I believe I must possess a certain talent before considering myself an artist?
How can I let myself be a channel for creative flow?
King of Cups
Another King this month, huh? Maybe there’s a theme here. Last week we had the King of Pentacles with The Monarch, and now we’ve got the King of Cups. Because it’s a king, I see it as the council of elders that is providing for the group. The King of Cups is providing all things related to the emotional realm. The King of Cups has a genius-level emotional IQ and, therefore, is a master of relationship. They can swim easily in these waters of love without resistance or getting caught up in drama; and they can provide this wisdom of relating well to their people.
After lifetimes of experience, the King of Cups has become the cup itself, possessing the ability to be filled with, and contain, the wholeness and purity of the emotional realm.
This week, we are tapping into this current of relationship genius and letting our own emotional intelligence ratchet up a few notches. We’re being asked to look for ways we can relate well with ourselves and others.
How does this pair work together?
What I see here is the council of elders handing The Artist a chalice filled with magical love nectar (yep, love nectar). The Artist drinks it down and their power to create blossoms from their heart and into their soul.
I believe this is a call to return to our pure, original reasons for wanting to create in the first place…to remember the delight, the joy, the passion, and the aching beauty in our desire to create; a time before we got caught up in outcome or monetizing our creations. We’re being asked to jump into the creative flow and let it take us where it will.
Who’s with me? Let me know how your flow goes in the comments below!
This week's Archetype and Tarot and your interpretation could become banner reading for all Substackers.
I am especially drawn to this pair and what you show us.
I often wonder what the world would be if the 'artist' were more valued. Of course, the philosopher in me goes right to the question, why are we (humans) so afraid of the creative impulse? You give us not only permission but the eyes to see and the way to embrace our creative essence. Thank you!
What a sweetly, divinely timed inspiration and will be the focus of this week's walking meditations for me.
This is crazy! Well, I guess powerful is the better word!
The cards echo exactly what has been going on in my mind and soul. I have already been pondering the questions you posed Jenna, for weeks this exact thing has been in my mind. Now I will take the ideas much deeper to gain the clarity I need, I already feel it is coming.
Thank you❤❤