Welcome everyone! To learn more about Spirit Connections in general, check out my welcome post here. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building! (If you’d like to support this work by making a one-time donation, you can by me a cup of coffee here.❤️)
This post is part of our January exploration of the Guardian archetype.
You can read the introduction to the Guardian and the attunement ritual here.
Check out the first week as the Guardian was paired with The Star here.
I’m so excited to continue exploring the Guardian with all of you! 💕
Dearest Readers,
May you feel the steady strength of sacred collaboration with your life today. May you trust that your unique gifts are essential to the greater whole, and may you know the power of boundaries—not as walls that divide, but as spaces of connection where your contributions can flourish. 💖
This week, as we continue our journey with the Guardian archetype, we meet it through the lens of the Three of Pentacles. Together, they teach us that healthy collaboration requires both boundaries and connection. Interdependence is not the absence of boundaries, but the respectful integration of them.
Let’s dive into what this looks like in our daily lives and how we can embody the Guardian and the Three of Pentacles together.
The Three of Pentacles: Building Together
The Three of Pentacles is a card of teamwork, shared vision, and craftsmanship. It shows us that when individuals come together with a common goal, something greater than the sum of their parts can be created. In the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the card depicts a stonemason collaborating with a monk and an architect to build a cathedral—a structure meant to endure beyond their lifetimes.
This card teaches us that collaboration is a sacred act. It requires each individual to bring their unique skills, trust in the contributions of others, and work together toward a shared vision. The Three of Pentacles reminds us that we are not meant to do everything alone—our lives are enriched and expanded when we collaborate with intention and care.
The Guardian and Co-Guarding
When paired with the Guardian archetype, I believe the Three of Pentacles invites us to reflect on the idea of co-guarding—the practice of shared protection. It seems to me that we often have a tendency to think of guardianship as a solitary responsibility, something we must shoulder on our own. But this pairing reminds us that we are not an army of one. We are always in relationship with others—both seen and unseen—who help us guard what needs guarding.
Co-guarding asks us to consider: Where can we turn to know that we are not in it alone? Who or what can we collaborate with to feel more protected and supported? This might be trusted friends, family, or community members. But it might also include the unseen forces we feel in our lives—our ancestors and spiritual guides—or other non-human beings from the world around us. These relationships remind us that guardianship is a shared effort.
To me, this idea of shared protection extends to the boundaries we hold in collaboration. Boundaries are not just planes of separation; they can also be seen as planes of integration—spaces where connection happens. They mark the edges of what we hold dear, but they also create meeting points where we come together with others to co-create, protect, and nurture what matters most.
The Guardian with the Three of Pentacles here calls us to examine: Where do we feel a sense of shared protection in our lives? This pairing encourages us to lean into those relationships and trust that we are supported. It feels, to me, like an invitation to shift from guarding in isolation to guarding in community.
The Guardian and Clarity of Roles
Another key message of the Guardian with the Three of Pentacles is the importance of clarity around our roles. In any collaborative effort—including life itself—knowing what is mine to do and what is not mine is essential for healthy interdependence. The Guardian archetype helps us discern and protect our unique roles, ensuring that we don’t overextend ourselves or take on responsibilities that aren’t ours to carry.
This clarity is vital in navigating interdependence. When we know what is ours to do, we can bring our full selves to the task at hand without feeling burdened by the weight of the entire project. The Guardian helps us guard against both burnout and overreach by encouraging us to ask: What is mine to hold, and what belongs to others?
In this aspect, the Three of Pentacles underscores the idea that each role in a collaboration is necessary and valuable. The stonemason, the monk, and the architect each bring their unique skills to the creation of the cathedral. If any one of them tried to do it alone, the structure wouldn’t stand. By protecting our own roles and respecting the roles of others, we contribute to the strength and longevity of the collective effort.
The Guardian and the Three of Pentacles together teach us that boundaries are not just about saying “no”—they are also about saying “yes” to what is ours to do. This discernment creates space for collaboration to thrive.
Practical Wisdom for Guardianship This Week
The pairing of the Guardian and the Three of Pentacles offers several practical insights for navigating collaboration and interdependence. Here are a few ways we might implement their combined wisdom:
Recognizing Your Co-Guardians: Take time to reflect on who or what you feel is guarding alongside you. It could be a trusted friend, a mentor, an animal beloved, or an unseen guide. Where do you feel a sense of shared protection? How can you strengthen those bonds and trust that you are supported in your guardianship?
Knowing What Is Yours to Do: Get clear on your unique role in any group effort. Ask yourself: What is mine to hold, and what belongs to others? By protecting your role and not taking on what isn’t yours, you create space for others to step into their own responsibilities.
Communicating Boundaries with Care: In collaboration, boundaries need to be communicated clearly and compassionately. The Guardian reminds us that boundaries are not barriers—they are invitations to work together with integrity. Practice expressing your needs and limits in ways that foster trust and mutual respect.
Honoring Your Contributions: The Three of Pentacles reminds us that every contribution matters. Take time this week to honor the unique gifts you bring to your collaborations. Trust that what you offer is valuable and necessary for the collective success.
Questions for Further Reflection
Here are a few questions to consider or journal about as you work with this pairing:
Where in your life do you feel a sense of shared protection? How can you lean into those relationships?
How do you navigate boundaries in collaboration? Where might co-guarding be helpful in your life?
What roles do you currently hold in your relationships, work, or community? Are there any roles that need to be clarified or adjusted?
Where might you be overextending yourself by taking on responsibilities that aren’t yours to carry?
How can you honor your own boundaries while respecting the boundaries of others?
I feel like this pairing is already showing up right here in this space as we continue our journey with the Guardian together! This truly is a collaborative effort. Let’s keep the discussion going in the comments below. 🤗💖
Jenna, I cannot tell you how much I love this right now! Interdependence has been very present to me lately as a theme to investigate and explore, and I love how you write:
"...healthy collaboration requires both boundaries and connection.
Interdependence is not the absence of boundaries, but the respectful integration of them."
Sooooooo true! Thank you once again for sharing your wisdom🥰✨🌟💖🙏🕊️😘
You have articulated this phase of my life right now in such a beautiful way. Thank You! I love this new series and hope you keep it up!