Welcome everyone! For an overview of what I’m doing here, please check out this post all about it. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building!
The Hermit Archetype
The Hermit is one of those Jungian/Myss archetypes that is also a tarot card. In my opinion that speaks to the universal nature of this one. We all understand, on some level, the need to retreat to a hermitage from time to time; to turn away from the outside world and turn towards the inner world of spirit.
On the light side, when The Hermit goes into the hermitage, they retract their fasteners from the outside world so that they can explore their inner reality without being influenced by other living people’s power. Through this, they are able to fully touch their own source and gather the wisdom there. From this place of being divinely resourced—filled up with the guidance from spirit—they can return to the external world and hold up their lamp of wisdom to illuminate the way for others.
The shadow side of The Hermit has to do with our feelings about alone time. One aspect of this involves a sort of running away from humanity. Are we wanting to hide, afraid of being seen? Are we wanting to push others away out of a sense of disgust or hate? The extreme of this would be a misanthrope, someone who hides themselves away, hating other humans and planning ways to cause harm. Another aspect of the shadow Hermit (and one that is more common) is the fear of being alone. This shows up when we feel called to go to the hermitage, but are too afraid to unfasten ourselves from others.
When The Hermit comes up, we’re being asked to explore our relationship with alone time.
Do we welcome time to retreat to a hermitage?
Do we wait until we’re overwhelmed and burned out before making time to unhook from the outside world?
Can we make a regular practice of retreating to our inner world in order to deepen our relationship with spirit?
Can we offer the consideration of alone time to the other humans with whom we share space?
Six of Swords
In this card, we see two shrouded figures—probably an adult and child—sitting in a boat that is being propelled by a boatman. There are six swords pierced into the bow of the boat. These swords block the view of the destination as the passengers move into an unknown realm.
Despite not knowing what’s to come, this card feels like one of safety to me. The boat is holding strong and is unaffected by all those swords. The boatman knows the way and effortlessly guides the vessel over the calm waters. All of these factors are in place so that the passengers can exhale a big sigh of relief. They have been through an ordeal and are leaving it behind at last.
Because this card is in the suit of swords (which pertains to the mind), what is being left behind is a pattern of perception that is no longer beneficial. Things like stagnancy of inspiration or wounded thoughts that caused cuts to ourselves and others have been left on the far shore and are quickly fading from view.
How does this pair work together?
I see an image of The Hermit about to head out of the hermitage, back into the outside world, when they see a post-it note on the wall by the door. It says simply, “Six of Wands.” This is the reminder The Hermit needs to not re-fasten themselves to old patterns when they return to their everyday lives.
This is the work we’re being called to this week. Can we find time, even a few minutes, to retreat to our inner world and connect with spirit? While we’re there, can we identify patterns in our lives that are no longer beneficial? Finally, can we leave those patterns behind when we re-emerge into our lives?
It feels like a tall order to me! I will give it my best shot, though. I can’t wait to hear how you all do with it. 🤗 Please do let me know in the comments below.
You write so beautifully - thank you for this. I confess that the Hermit is one of my favourite cards to see when I draw them for myself. It always feels very grounding and a great reminder to 'follow my own light'
I have definitely felt the call to withdraw into spiritual sanctuary Jenna, but I am also conscious that even the Hermit needs to find balance with the inner and outer worlds. This is firmly in my awareness this week.