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The Mentor Archetype
The Mentor is a sort of a guide, teacher, and counselor all rolled into one. It’s more than that, though. The Mentor also has an intimacy with their mentee that looks a lot like friendship and/or parental care. They have the ability to see the potential in someone and the wisdom to know how to tailor training to hone that person’s skills. In short, the Mentor is all about supporting someone in reaching their greatness.
As a child of the 1980s, I saw a lot of movies with montages…those scenes set to music where the hero undergoes some sort of rapid transformation. These often involved training of some kind. Rocky got in great condition; the Karate Kid learned his signature move (just to name a couple examples). These melodic transformation journeys wouldn’t have been possible without The Mentor. Rocky had Mickey and Danielsan had Mr. Miyagi. These were deeper than a standard Student/Teacher relationship. There was real love between them.
In the light, the Mentor is truly interested in the mentee’s greatness. Not only wise and knowledgable, but also trustworthy, they are motivated by a desire to see their student shine. They know that, when they have truly done their job well, they will be surpassed by their mentee. In this way, they pass the baton to the next generation and contribute to an ever-expanding field of greatness.
In the shadow, the Mentor’s focus is on themselves. They might be more interested in the ego boost they get from their students’ success. Or they might be using the mentee as a way to work through their own wounds and failings. At the root, they harbor a fear of being inferior to their student and so they might withhold their best training or otherwise keep the student dependent on them.
When the Mentor comes up, I think we’re being asked to examine what we most need right now to support our own greatness.
Some questions to consider this week:
Who or what has acted as the Mentor in your life?
Where do you tend to turn when needing help with a decision?
When have you been the Mentor?
Does the Mentor spark feelings of comfort or competitiveness within you?
Would you rather be a mentor or a mentee?
Four of swords
In this card, we see a figure lying on a slab in a prayerful pose. There are three swords hanging on the wall and one resting horizontally below the figure. In the upper left corner is a stained-glass window, which lends to the notion that this scene is taking place in a church or other sacred space.
To me, the suit of swords relates to the mental realm. And fours are all about stability. So, when this card comes up, I think it’s a gentle reminder that we might need more mental stability in our lives.
I think those three swords on the wall are the same ones that pierced the heart in the three of swords. They represent old wounds that have likely shaped, or impacted, our thought patterns.
That fourth sword, however, is foundational. It is the inclusion of this fourth sword—a new idea or perspective on the old wounds—that brings stability to the mind. It is a new thought pattern that we can genuinely rest upon.
How do we know what the new idea/perspective of the fourth sword is? We turn towards the sacred, whatever that might mean for each of us. It’s not something we can figure out with our own mental powers. In fact, this card calls us to stop thinking and stop doing, to enter a time of silent repose. It is only in stillness that we find our fourth sword.
How does this pair work together?
If you look closely at the stained-glass window, you’ll see two figures. One is seated in a chair while the other is on their knees before them. What I see this week is that the Sacred Mentor is the figure in the chair. We have come to them, on our knees, exhausted by our own repeating thought patterns. Unable to figure out how to reach greatness for ourselves anymore, we surrender to receive the guidance we need.
This is a call to give our minds a time out. Meditate, pray, take a nap on the earth, practice trance postures, do a plant medicine journey…whatever is your preferred way of quieting the mind and opening to receive guidance. In stillness, let’s allow the fourth sword to come in and be the new perspective that lovingly supports our path to greatness.
After last week’s quest for truth, I’m looking forward to some mental quietude this week! Let me know how you do with it in the comments below. ❤️
Loved this Jenna! I love seeing the 4ofS as a Mentor/Mentee card. The invitation to rest, be in solitude, be still, meditate, contemplate. The mentor is like the present moment, guiding the mentee into it. Breathing with them, helping them quiet the over active mind. Till there is a deeper silence. Then the mentee becomes their own mentor. Where the moment informs, deeper insights arise, dysfunctions revealed, Maybe even answers and/or new means of actions or shown. Whether in deep reflection or in the dream world, our inner life is like an Oracle. Languages of mystery, archetypes and symbols. All for us to find the deeper meaning in our own lives. Then the outer Mentor can help us interpret them.
I don't believe freaky things exist, rather those strange incidents are the truth shown to us in unexpected ways. This teaching, on the heels of what I spoke about in my presentation today, is a pretty mind-blowing synchronicity! (Thank you for being there BTW)❤
I would always like to be both the mentor and the mentee.
Thank you for this insightful and timely piece Jenna.