Summary: Through the Performer and Four of Cups this week we’re being called to explore ways we might be overlooking dissatisfaction in our lives. Can we tap into the creative force and channel something more authentic?
Welcome everyone! For an overview of what I’m doing here, please check out this post all about it. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building! (If you’d like to support this work by making a one-time donation, you can by me a cup of coffee here.❤️)
You might have noticed the summary above, which is something new I’m trying out. A discussion came about on Notes regarding how much reading we all feel the need to do. It got me wondering how I might be able to help if any of my readers are feeling overwhelmed. My hope is that, by providing the summary, you all can get the gist at a glance and then read on for a deeper look as your capacities allow. Let me know if this is a feature you’re glad about or don’t like at all. Blessings to you all!
The Performer Archetype
To me, this archetype is all about being embodied. The Performer is an artist whose medium is their body. They convey meaning through action—through the performance—and express the creative force of the universe with the body. Although we are probably most familiar with this archetype through people like actors, musicians, and dancers, we don’t have to be on a literal stage for the Performer archetype to come alive within us.
When I looked up the etymology of “perform” I learned that it comes from the root meaning “to fulfill, or to completely provide.”
In addition to conveying meaning, the Performer helps us express parts of ourselves that haven’t had much time in the spotlight. Through this pattern we can open to these aspects of self that we may have suppressed. In other words, The Performer can help us expand our knowing of the self so that we can completely provide our whole selves to this experience of life.
In the light, the Performer becomes a channel surrendering their body (or themselves) to the creative force of the universe for the benefit of the audience. They can set aside their personal motivations and allow something more expansive to emerge and be witnessed. This one helps us express every facet of ourselves. By doing so, we can reflect meaning back to those who encounter us (or watch the performance). Through this pattern, we can experiment with meaning without being inauthentic or phony. Likewise, the Performer in the light is able to perceive the meaning in others’ performances and allow themselves to be expanded by this insight.
The Performer in the shadow has no true sense of self. Rather than bringing aspects of the self to light, they can only reflect what they see in others. In general, they perform solely for the sake of being seen or for approval. Because of this, they have a tendency to be inauthentic—or even deceptive— and unaware of the genuine meaning they’re meant to convey. One of the dangers of this is that it blocks true intimacy (with oneself and others).
I think this week we’re being asked to authentically perform a part of ourselves that we’ve kept hidden away. Can we bring it into the light to expand our sense of self?
Some questions to consider this week:
What are some of your favorite characters in plays? What about them do you resonate with?
What meaning do you hope to convey by acting a certain part?
How do you feel about the term ‘reflected sense of self’?
What is the underlying motivation for performing a certain aspect of yourself?
Four of Cups
In this card, we see a person leaning against a tree. In front of them are three cups on the ground, while a fourth is being handed to them by a cloud (the very same cloud from the Ace of Cups).
To me, this person is contemplating the three cups they already have. They appreciate what these cups have given them (the union and celebration of the two and three of cups), but they can’t shake the feeling that something is missing. Despite those three cups, they still feel a bit dissatisfied.
The Universe sees their dissatisfaction and arrives with a fourth cup saying, “Here, see if this is what you’re missing.”
The question to us then becomes: what would need to be in that fourth cup in order for us to feel emotionally stable and satisfied?
How does this pair work together?
I believe this pair is asking us to look deep within and discover where we might be living through the shadow Performer in order to turn a blind eye to dissatisfaction. Is there an area of our lives where we paste on a smile and put on an act of emotional fulfillment?
To be clear, this isn’t about spiraling into despair. This is merely a call to notice dissatisfaction where we might not have noticed it before. Once we put down the shadow performance and notice it, we can take (small and gentle) steps towards receiving that fourth cup.
This one feels a bit heavy to me, so let’s hold ourselves and each other in kindness as we face our dissatisfactions. Let me know how you do in the comments below.
I like the preamble "Summary" and its question, though I have no answer at this time.
Hello Donna! I'm glad I'm on here!