Through the Scribe and the Ace of Swords, this week invites us to seek clarity in our writing and to refine our relationship with memory. Can we let go of what no longer serves us, trusting that the truth will emerge unburdened by the weight of every detail?
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The Scribe Archetype
At first glance, the Scribe might not seem like the juiciest of archetypes, especially compared to some we’ve had lately (looking at you Hedonist). But, really, our lives would be a lot less fulfilling if not for the Scribe.
The Scribe is the great recorder of events. Most often we see this one wearing the faces of historian, accountant, secretary, copyist, journalist, etc. But the Scribe is also a type of artist, bringing abstract concepts into form. In ancient times, it was the Scribe who carved symbols into rock or painted hieroglyphics on tomb walls. It is because of the Scribe that we have the sacred texts that are so meaningful to us today. And for the witchy readers here, it’s our inner Scribe that prompts us to keep a grimoire or book of shadows.
The Scribe has a deep relationship with time and is committed to remembrance. A devoted memory keeper, they understand how profoundly the past informs the present. Even when we are “in the now” we are standing upon a foundation of the past. It is through the Scribe that we come to know this foundation.
When the Scribe card comes up, we’re being asked to look at our relationship with memory and keeping records.
In the light, the Scribe possesses great powers of awareness, attention, and discernment. They have a keen eye and the ability to know which experiences matter most and need to be recorded. Their recordings are accurate and truthful. Perhaps most importantly, the Scribe in the light does their recording without a personal agenda. They understand that they are the conduits of remembrance, and so their motivation is to faithfully record things as they are.
The shadow Scribe, on the other hand, is not a faithful recorder. They might intentionally record things incorrectly for the sake of personal gain, such as an accountant who cooks the books. Or they might influence the future by recording things with a heavy bias, such as those who create propaganda. The shadow Scribe might also be sloppy, inaccurate, or simply fail to keep records in the first place. On the other end of this, the shadow Scribe might become obsessive, needing to record every single thing, and thereby missing out on a lot of present moment experience.
How is the Scribe showing up for you?
Some questions to consider this week:
What emotions come up for you when you are asked to keep records. Are you excited? Is there a tendency to procrastinate or feel resistance?
Is it even possible to record something without a bias?
Do you record your dreams?
Have you ever looked at an old journal entry or photograph and been surprised by how differently you’d been remembering the event?
Ace of Swords
Here we see we see a hand emerging from a cloud, holding a sword upright. At the top of the sword is a crown and some hanging plant material. Around the base of the sword are six yods, indicating the presence of divinity.
The aces of the tarot show the moment when the Universe gives us the gift of the suit. In the case of swords, it is the gift of the tool of mental energy. It is our thoughts and the way we think. And it is the way we share these thoughts through communication. This mental energy also encompasses awareness and expanded consciousness, allowing us to see not only with our physical eyes but also with our inner vision.
The sword embodies the dual nature of our mental energy. It can be sharp and destructive, cutting through what is unnecessary, or it can clarify and consecrate. With a sword, one can either be executed or knighted.
When the Ace of Swords appears in a reading, I believe it signifies a new surge of mental energy—perhaps the spark of an idea—or a reminder of a previous surge that we may want to revisit. It might bring with it a moment of clear insight and a renewed ability to cut through confusion.
How does this pair work together?
Here I see that the Scribe has been holding onto memories with care, cataloging moments, insights, and reflections in the hope that the past will shed light on the present. Every detail feels precious, and the Scribe believes that by faithfully recording these experiences, they are weaving a bridge between what was and what is.
Then, the Ace of Swords arrives like a sudden flash of insight, illuminating a new path. In this light, the Scribe realizes that the bridge they seek is not in perfect recall but in refining how they hold memory. Rather than clinging to every thread, they now see the value in discerning which memories still serve the present moment, letting the rest fall away with grace. The clarity of the sword’s edge invites them to a truer kind of remembrance—one that sharpens the heart’s wisdom.
This week, I believe we’re being called to examine what we hold onto. Can we allow our memories to be guides rather than burdens? Can we let go of details that no longer support us, trusting that what remains is all we need? Can we trust that, sometimes, clarity means holding a lighter load?
I loved the ending... letting go of what is not needed, clarity comes with a lighter load. YEP!!! These two pair very nicely together. The word that stands our for me around these two is, communication. The scribe taking in the information, releasing the unnecessary or the redundancies and creating poetry. I love the way poetry can convey deeper meaning in fewer words. The AofS supports that. The flash of light, the air of clarity, the thrust of inspiration, honesty in expression. Thanks Jenna!
"With a sword, one can either be executed or knighted."
"Clarity means holding a lighter load."
Well! These are just a couple of the powerful sentences you wrote, Jenna. Powerful!! Powerful! Powerful!
Firstly, I love your offering. All your offerings. You are so generous in everything you offer, write and gift us. Thank you.
Secondly, I am trying to organise my next years offerings and I feel that this reading will assist me in that...less is more. And in less there is more to give and more to offer and more to stand tall in. I see the sword swiping away the unwanted and then knighting the truth.
Oh, as I wrote that I felt tingles...Knighting the Truth within us. Inviting us to stand tall, to speak Truth in a world that find Truth hard to swallow. And in that, the Scribe has an important role, to find the words to say that empowers and delivers peace, healing,hope, humility and kindness, while at the same time begin supported by the Ace of Swords - being supported my the Divinity, The Greater Light, The God/dess energy. Wow! Thank you.💖