Through the Gambler and Five of Swords, this week we’re being called to take a chance on a new way of thinking. Can we come to know that embracing a new perspective is worth the risk?
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The Gambler Archetype
The Gambler archetype pops up in many aspects of our lives, often without us even realizing it. It’s the Gambler within us that tell us things like going to our job is worth the risk of the commute or that being in a relationship is worth the risk of heartbreak. This archetype is defined by a willingness to take risks, a knack for spotting opportunities, and a certain flair for living in uncertainty. One of the gifts of this archetype is their remarkable intuition. The Gambler has a sort of sixth sense when it comes to recognizing potential and timing.
On the light side, the Gambler is a risk-taker who brings courage, optimism and resilience to many situations. They possess the unique ability to see opportunities where others see only risks. This archetype is not deterred by the fear of failure. Instead, they are driven by possibility. Their confidence and willingness to take chances can lead to significant breakthroughs and achievements. The Gambler in the light knows that fortune favors the bold, and their fearless nature can inspire others to step out of their comfort zones and seize their own opportunities. They remind us that sometimes, taking a calculated risk can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
The shadow side of the Gambler, on the other hand, can manifest as recklessness and irresponsibility. When driven by compulsion rather than intuition, the Gambler can make choices that lead to significant losses, both financially and emotionally. They might take unnecessary risks without considering the potential consequences. The shadow Gambler can be addicted to the thrill of the gamble, making impulsive decisions that jeopardize stability and well-being. This archetype in its shadow may also struggle with overconfidence, believing that they are invincible or immune to failure, which can lead to disastrous results. Many of us might also recognize the shadow Gambler in an unwillingness to take any risks at all.
When the Gambler appears in a reading, I believe it calls us to reflect on our relationship with risk and uncertainty. Are we shying away from all uncertainty, taking calculated risks based on strategy and preparation, or are we being reckless? It's a reminder to balance boldness with wisdom, ensuring that our gambles are informed and strategic rather than impulsive.
Some questions to consider this week:
What risks are you currently considering, and have you weighed the potential rewards against the possible consequences?
Are there areas in your life where you might be acting recklessly rather than courageously?
How can you embrace uncertainty while still making informed and strategic decisions?
In what ways can you inspire others to take bold yet thoughtful risks?
Five of Swords
In this card we see a person looking smugly over their shoulder at two other people who stand defeated or dejected. The main figure holds three swords (more than they could efficiently utilize) while two more have been tossed aside. Jagged-looking clouds slice through the otherwise clear sky while a calm expanse of water fills the background behind the characters.
To me, the fives of the minor arcana depict what I call “the destabilizing event”. They call to our attention the way(s) we relate and respond when change comes into our lives.
Because swords are all about mental energy, this particular five depicts the moment when an outside idea comes in and destabilizes the way we’ve always thought about something. It can show us the potential we have for clinging to our ideas and believing that we are right, at any cost.
I believe this card asks us to examine where we hold this sort of righteousness in our lives. What thoughts/ideas/beliefs are we unwilling to hold paradox about? And can we take notice of the cost of such righteousness?
How does this pair work together?
Here I see the Gambler inviting the person from the Five of Swords to a game of chance. The person from the card knows they can only play if their hands are free.
I believe this pair is asking us to take a gamble on laying down our swords. Instead of seeking victory, can we step into the risk of changing our minds and allowing for a new thought pattern? Can we roll the dice on not having to be right and perhaps embrace a new perspective?
Maybe we’ve been telling ourselves a story about why a relationship seems to have soured, or why we’re finding ourselves in a familiar, repeating pattern. Maybe we have found ourselves taking a rigid position on something that feels important to us. Maybe we’ve come to rely on being right in order to feel confident in the world.
In all these cases, how would it feel to open a little space for the possibility of being wrong? Can we let ourselves take that chance?
In the end, I think the question we’re being asked this is week is, “What holds the greater risk: a change in mindset or being right at all costs?”
Even though it’s been a couple weeks, I feel like this wisdom is a wonderful next step after having been exploring the nuances of The Bully Archetype, which spoke to us about our relationship with power. It feels to me that, when I’m experiencing that need to be right, power dynamics must surely be at play. Who’s ready to roll the dice with me this week? Can we take a chance on uttering those three dreaded words: “I was wrong.” 😬😆
Can’t wait to discuss! Let me know how it goes in the comments below, or by sending me a DM.
Your interpretation of the interplay between these two cards is excellent Jenna, thank you. My mind was swimming along in one direction (I was relating the Gambler to my sugar eating addiction and not accepting the consequences of it the way I need to be) and you changed gears. The direction you took this reading fits perfectly and I will hold it front of mind.
As usual, I read this week’s archetype and Tarot and go into contemplation on it for a few days. I’ve been reflecting on recklessness and the shadow side of the gambler, because it could be said that Jesus was a shadow gambler, and the Buddha, too, and anyone who looks like they’re teetering on the edge of what is ‘sane’ on behalf of a ‘call’. That this is so has stirred me with wonder: What distinguishes the reckless destructive from the reckless prophetic? Is prophetic not destructive in some way? I suppose where I have arrived (for now) on this contemplation is that love is the soul attitude, the affinity for being, which distinguishes the essence of what may seem a destructive (gamble) from a prophetic (gamble). But this is a rudimentary beginning on what will surely linger in contemplation. Always with gratitude to your insightful interpretations of these two cards pulled, Jenna.