Welcome to Spirit Connections!
This is the realm of relating with Magic, where we’ll explore all of her curves and crevices. Together we will infuse our practices with relationality, and come into community with one another along the way. We’ll have more questions than answers, as is usually the way on the relational path. The main message here is that we are never alone, and we are profoundly loved by the spirits that are all around us.
Step into the enchanting world of Spirit Connections, your Substack sanctuary for everything mystical, magical, and profoundly interconnected.
We are all connected—not just living humans, but all beings, across all realms, living and dead.
My spirit guides have shared an incredible truth: we are collectively moving towards a more relational way of being. This philosophy is at the heart of everything I write. In our modern world, it’s easy to feel isolated and disconnected, but my work aims to highlight the unseen threads that link us all. Whether you're curious about the metaphysical, seeking ancestral healing, or simply looking to deepen your understanding of your place in the universe, you'll find a welcoming space here.
Here’s where things get even more exciting: I believe those of us alive at this time have a special calling to help bring the spirits of our beloved dead into the present moment. They’re part of our collective unfolding, and by integrating their wisdom, we can create a more harmonious and connected world. Sound intriguing? It’s all part of the magic we’ll explore together.
To support this exploration further, I offer a year-long ancestral healing class exclusively for my paid subscribers (beginning October 2024). This immersive journey is packed with insights, practices, and community support to help us heal and integrate ancestral wisdom, transforming our spiritual paths in the process.
Join me on this extraordinary path of discovery and connection. Subscribe today and become part of a community that honors the interconnectedness of all beings and realms. Together, we can walk the path towards a more relational world, guided by the wisdom of spirit and the love that connects us all.
Who Am I Anyway?
Hi, I’m Jenna. I’ve always been a spiritually-focused person, but about 20 years ago I got very sick with a mystery illness that damn near killed me. After being told by doctors that nothing could be done for me, I spiraled into despair. Then I heard a voice that told me that I had a choice: I could choose to die (and that would be perfectly fine; no judgment if that was my choice), or I could choose to heal myself.
I am not one for personal heroics. Nor do I care at all for the patriarchal paradigm of “push through the pain.” I am not a fan of physical suffering. Not one little bit. When offered that choice, I was quite inclined to choose to die. If it meant an immediate end to being sick, I thought, “Sign me up.”
But it wasn’t so easy (it never is). I had a young son who needed me, not to mention many others who preferred that I stick around for a while. So I took a deep breath and said, “Okay, I choose to heal myself. Show me how.”
That began a decades-long deep dive into spiritual practice and healing. I became certified in several spiritual healing modalities, and, as is always my way, I made these teachings completely my own. It became clear that I was meant to share my path of healing and so I worked with clients on an individual basis, as well as led groups of transformation and healing. For the last six years, my healing work has been focused primarily on working with the dead. My path is also that of a priestess and, as such, I am committed to a life of devotion.
I have built relationships with numerous spirit guides over the years, and my journey has been one of trying to consistently answer their call. I screw that up a lot. Everything I teach and write about has come from my successes and failures at answering the call.
Who is this substack for?
Whether you are just beginning your spiritual/magical practice, or are seasoned at your craft, this space is for you! If you’re interested in throwing perfectionism out the window and, instead, coming into real relationship with Spirit or Magic (even if it gets messy), then this is the place for you. If you want to be part of a community that explores life in relationship with spirits…that accepts the elements as living beings…that venerates ancestors and ancestral ways…and that has a sense of humor about all of it…then you have found your home here.
Come and explore the magical webs of Spirit Connections, and let’s see what we can create together.
Why Subscribe?
For now, everything here except my year-long ancestral healing class is free. My hope is to keep it that way AND if you can afford a paid subscription, please do upgrade. This is my sole source of income and I really want to keep creating for you. My heart is filled with gratitude for all who have subscribed. Thank you! Let’s keep building this amazing community of magic together!
If Spirit Connections resonates with you, here’s what you’ll receive as a free subscriber:
Weekly archetype/tarot posts with a downloadable mini-ritual
Additional Thursday musings about ancestors, spirit, and magic on the relational path
Community connection through comments and Notes
When you upgrade to paid, you’ll also receive:
The full ancestral healing class
Access to to the community chat
Monthly online healing circles
If you have any questions, or otherwise need anything from me, please don’t hesitate to send me an email. I’m always happy to hear from you!