Happy Belated Birthday to you, Jenna!! What a sacred day and a magical celebration for you! (I’m turning 50 in September!) I absolutely loved reading these little tidbits of glimpses into your life and I am sending you heaps of love and light as you continue to celebrate and evolve and discover all year long. xo 🫶🏻💫🎈
Gorgeous snippets of your life Jenna, the country upbringing with no pavements and having nowhere to roller skate (we had to sweep the barn floor of sheep droppings and corn every time before we could use ours…) with this you just unearthed a writable cascade of memories! And the hatred of bar work!
I too have a decade birthday coming in two weeks time… the next one after yours… I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
May you be blessed with many more decade birthdays and all number of gorgeous days in between - Happy Birthday for Wednesday beautiful lady… 💐🎵♥️xx
Thank you so much, Susie! Yay, I LOVE that you have a decade birthday coming up too! That feels like we're in some kind of beautiful club together. And, oooh, I can't wait to read your cascade of memories should they make onto Substack. Sheep were noticeably lacking in my childhood and I cherish feeling connected to them through you. Also, I hope you can scrounge up a picture of you doing bar work too! That would make my birthday complete. Lol. 💖💖
I am not sure there are any photos of me doing any bar work but I’m sure I can dredge up something from the vast pit that all the family photos are stored in… there are more likely to be of sheep and horses though! X
Dear Jenna, Thank you for this glimpse into your treasured past. I’m very fond of your bartender expression, and happy that the man was there when you found the stone axe to share the moment and make a bridge with you. These tiny moments add up to something. Here’s wishing you a deeply moving retreat right now and a joyful birthday next week!
I love this so much Jenna, finding out more about you on this special birthday. My favourite is the archeology dig, that is something I always wanted to do, I actually wanted to be an egyptologist, which also makes sense as like you I have a strong connection to all things history. I'm wishing you such a beautiful day of celebration and joy. I hope you've got something lovely planned.
Thank you so much, Louise! 💖🙏💖 I can absolutely see you as an Egyptologist. That feels really right! I hope you do get the chance to participate in a dig one day. For those of us who are so deeply connected to the past, it's quite life changing.
A decade birthday! That is huge! Many blessings to you Jenna on this day honoring your birth, and for the many more days that follow. May you filled with love, beauty and wonder in all the amazing ways that can manifest!
Thank you, Julie! What a beautiful birthday blessing! I'm letting myself soak all of that right up. ❤️❤️❤️ I was thinking of you over the weekend and hoping your trip has been filled with magic and beauty!
Thank you so much, Margarita! 😍❤️ I really enjoyed that part of the process. When I started the list of 50 things, I thought I might struggle. But once I started writing, the ideas just flowed. I hope you have the most amazing experience with your 55 things. And I love that we're both Geminis! No one quite gets a Gemini like another Gemini. 🤗
Wow! Jenna! I have loved reading this... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...What a great blessing you are to this earth and to all of us who share this road with you.
May your years ahead be filled with so many more amazing moments that your heart overflows with love and happiness, joy and balance. 💜
Oh, Sam, thank you!!! I LOVE this blessing from you. And I wish exactly the same for all of your years ahead. I'm so grateful that we are in each other's lives. There is no greater blessing than that! Love and hugs to you, my friend! 💖🙏
How honored we are to receive your stories—you bold, beautiful human being to share these with us. And what a life of listening. I treasure reading all five glimpses, and I treasure you, dear Friend. Wishing you all manner of goodness this birthday and beyond.
I treasure you, too, my beloved friend! It's hard for me to believe that I lived nearly 50 years of my life before knowing you. In a much less linear sense, I've known you forever. Thank you for these birthday blessings! I love that we are both having such big turning points together this year. 💕😍💕
What a gift to our big turning points. The angels are singing and laughing and playing Happy Birthday Alleluia on the heavenly harpsichords and all the seraphim and all the cherubim are dancing without weight! “We had it planned all along!” they sing.
Jenna...I really enjoyed reading these tidbits and I now understand why I feel so akin to you!
You are one of the kindest, most supportive, encouraging and respectful people I've ever had the pleasure of 'meeting.' Happiest birthdays to you (on the 22nd!), my friend! ✨
Wow, thank you SO much, Jessica! This means the world to me! We are definitely kindred souls and I am so blessed to have found you. I am honored to be walking life's path with you. ❤️❤️❤️
Happy Belated Birthday to you, Jenna!! What a sacred day and a magical celebration for you! (I’m turning 50 in September!) I absolutely loved reading these little tidbits of glimpses into your life and I am sending you heaps of love and light as you continue to celebrate and evolve and discover all year long. xo 🫶🏻💫🎈
Thank you so much, Liz! I love that we're both turning 50 this year!
I see that I am just in time to wish you many Birthday Blessings on your Golden Solar Return! Enjoy this most sacred day!
Thank you so much, Victoria! 🥰🤗
U r welcomed
Gorgeous snippets of your life Jenna, the country upbringing with no pavements and having nowhere to roller skate (we had to sweep the barn floor of sheep droppings and corn every time before we could use ours…) with this you just unearthed a writable cascade of memories! And the hatred of bar work!
I too have a decade birthday coming in two weeks time… the next one after yours… I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
May you be blessed with many more decade birthdays and all number of gorgeous days in between - Happy Birthday for Wednesday beautiful lady… 💐🎵♥️xx
Thank you so much, Susie! Yay, I LOVE that you have a decade birthday coming up too! That feels like we're in some kind of beautiful club together. And, oooh, I can't wait to read your cascade of memories should they make onto Substack. Sheep were noticeably lacking in my childhood and I cherish feeling connected to them through you. Also, I hope you can scrounge up a picture of you doing bar work too! That would make my birthday complete. Lol. 💖💖
I am not sure there are any photos of me doing any bar work but I’m sure I can dredge up something from the vast pit that all the family photos are stored in… there are more likely to be of sheep and horses though! X
Dear Jenna, Thank you for this glimpse into your treasured past. I’m very fond of your bartender expression, and happy that the man was there when you found the stone axe to share the moment and make a bridge with you. These tiny moments add up to something. Here’s wishing you a deeply moving retreat right now and a joyful birthday next week!
Thank you so much, Tara! I'm so glad that Substack brought us together! ❤️❤️❤️
Ditto! :-) 🌺 ❤️
Oh Happy Birthday a few days early, Jenna! Love to read this smidge of your history - the picture at the beer festival is killing me. 🤣💙🎉
Thank you, Troy! 😂 That picture is an ongoing source of joy to my whole family. I'm so glad it brings you joy too!
Beautiful post... And celebrate yourself!
Thank you, Zoe! I definitely will! If I know my family, I have a feeling the celebration will be ongoing for at least a month. 💖
Beautiful, happiest of birthdays to you as you celebrate 50 spins of the sun ☀️
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much, Kerry! ❤️❤️❤️
I love this so much Jenna, finding out more about you on this special birthday. My favourite is the archeology dig, that is something I always wanted to do, I actually wanted to be an egyptologist, which also makes sense as like you I have a strong connection to all things history. I'm wishing you such a beautiful day of celebration and joy. I hope you've got something lovely planned.
Thank you so much, Louise! 💖🙏💖 I can absolutely see you as an Egyptologist. That feels really right! I hope you do get the chance to participate in a dig one day. For those of us who are so deeply connected to the past, it's quite life changing.
A decade birthday! That is huge! Many blessings to you Jenna on this day honoring your birth, and for the many more days that follow. May you filled with love, beauty and wonder in all the amazing ways that can manifest!
Thank you, Julie! What a beautiful birthday blessing! I'm letting myself soak all of that right up. ❤️❤️❤️ I was thinking of you over the weekend and hoping your trip has been filled with magic and beauty!
🎂Happy birthday, Jenna!🎉
Thank you so much, Louise! 💖 Please give your kitties a birthday kiss for me.
Happy birthday fellow Gemini! I'm inspired. I may just have to write 55 interesting things about myself.
Thank you so much, Margarita! 😍❤️ I really enjoyed that part of the process. When I started the list of 50 things, I thought I might struggle. But once I started writing, the ideas just flowed. I hope you have the most amazing experience with your 55 things. And I love that we're both Geminis! No one quite gets a Gemini like another Gemini. 🤗
Wow! Jenna! I have loved reading this... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...What a great blessing you are to this earth and to all of us who share this road with you.
May your years ahead be filled with so many more amazing moments that your heart overflows with love and happiness, joy and balance. 💜
Thank you Jenna - for all you are. 💖
Oh, Sam, thank you!!! I LOVE this blessing from you. And I wish exactly the same for all of your years ahead. I'm so grateful that we are in each other's lives. There is no greater blessing than that! Love and hugs to you, my friend! 💖🙏
How honored we are to receive your stories—you bold, beautiful human being to share these with us. And what a life of listening. I treasure reading all five glimpses, and I treasure you, dear Friend. Wishing you all manner of goodness this birthday and beyond.
With love,
I treasure you, too, my beloved friend! It's hard for me to believe that I lived nearly 50 years of my life before knowing you. In a much less linear sense, I've known you forever. Thank you for these birthday blessings! I love that we are both having such big turning points together this year. 💕😍💕
What a gift to our big turning points. The angels are singing and laughing and playing Happy Birthday Alleluia on the heavenly harpsichords and all the seraphim and all the cherubim are dancing without weight! “We had it planned all along!” they sing.
Jenna...I really enjoyed reading these tidbits and I now understand why I feel so akin to you!
You are one of the kindest, most supportive, encouraging and respectful people I've ever had the pleasure of 'meeting.' Happiest birthdays to you (on the 22nd!), my friend! ✨
Wow, thank you SO much, Jessica! This means the world to me! We are definitely kindred souls and I am so blessed to have found you. I am honored to be walking life's path with you. ❤️❤️❤️
Loved reading more about you!!! Happy birthday 🎁. Would you like a birthday reading?
Thank you so much, Erica! I'm not even officially 50 yet, but am really loving it so far! So thankful for friends like you in my life. 💖