Excellent article. Will be incorporating this into my New Moon work this week.

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Thank you, Victoria! 🤗 I'd love to hear about how your New Moon work goes, if it feels good to share. And thanks for this reminder! The New Moon is coming up soon!

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So interesting Jenna and very relevant for me. This week I realised that although I am the teacher, I don't have to know everything. It's ok to ask others to contribute their wisdom too, which really helps me as I tend to want to do it all myself!

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Oooh, this is great insight! I, too, tend to try to do it all myself. I think it's because I have control issues as well as a weird fear of being an imposition. But yes! Just as you said...it's ok to ask others to contribute their wisdom. Wonderful! Thank you for that!

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Oh I feel this too, I can have control issues, I also may have authority issues and so am not particularly fond of the word "teacher" ...Plato's "true wisdom is knowing you know nothing" comes to mind and I prefer to think new ideas, new paths, skills, enlightenment coming from guides. Can you tell I'm an unschooler? 😆

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I love this take on Teacher, thank you! It does sort of have a hierarchy built into it, doesn't it? I balk at authority too, you're definitely not alone there. 😁 Now I'm wondering if I tend to think of the guide and the teacher as interchangeable. Hmmm...I will have to ponder this. Yay! I love pondering!

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