Jan 30Edited

I am thankful for so what i have received , redemption may have been the most profound, as the messengers were human.

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That’s so beautiful, May! ❤️

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Jenna, it was beautiful. I am grateful for the accuracy in describing my experience. Divine indeed.

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Wow! What a beautiful and incredible experience. Thank you so much for sharing 💕🙏

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"how often do we consciously notice being received in our everyday experiences? If you’re like me, there’s a tendency to more often notice when we’re NOT received." YES! So much this. Thanks for a lovely reminder of this magical reciprocity.

And OMG!! What an EXPERIENCE!! I got chills and gasped. I went to Strawberry Hot Springs years ago in the winter and it was a truly mystical experience. I regret not thinking of this then, though. Thanks for sharing this with me - I am so inspired!

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Hi Julie! I love that you've been to Strawberry hot springs! 🤗 When I was there, I kept thinking how amazing it must be in the winter. I can imagine it's utterly otherworldly with the steam making a whole different kind of visibility. I bet it was incredible!

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It was amazing. And cold! Getting in and out - hooboy! The drive in and out was super terrifying. But we survived. 🙃

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I bet it was! It was a scary enough drive on dry roads in the summer!

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Oh, the story of the tuning forks and water-!! So so lovely. I so appreciate your attuning (er, pun unintended) to the sentience of the water! All living beings want to be seen, appreciated and received -- thank you for writing about it. 💜💜💜

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Thank you so much, Carrie! I love your animistic values! 💖💖💖 So glad to be walking this path with you.

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I love this idea of being received. You’re right it’s only ever our perception that allows us to believe that we are not always being received in some way. I love your experience with the water and the idea that you were able to ask because you knew you would be seen and heard. How magical to step into the every day knowing this Thank you Jenna! 🙏💫

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Thanks, Louise! 💖 I know that your guides are always receiving you too!

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What a beautiful and powerful reminder that we belong but our fear stops us from accepting what is offered both by other people but also other beings. Your story on water reminded to greet and offer my gratitude to the stream that runs behind our house but also the water that runs out of the taps!

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Yay! 💖 I talk to my shower all the time now. As silly as it sounds, we've become good friends. 😁 How wonderful that you have a stream behind your house! Here's another time I wish we could put pictures in comments, I'd love to see it. 🌊

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Lol -- relating!! Again, thank you for voicing that out loud! I also talk to the water in my shower (well, less talking and more of a non-verbal energetic communication) but never would have thought to say it, it’s just what I do? So hello kindred spirit! 🥰🚿🛀💧

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Love it, Carrie! 🤗💖

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This is really beautiful Jenna, I think you are a wonderful receiver. 🙂

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Oh my gosh, thank you! 🥲🤗 You made my day. I think YOU are a wonderful receiver too!

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Thank you ❤️

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