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Hi everyone! Happy Thursday!
If you’re like me, sometimes you just want to connect with your guides for a quick message when you don’t have the time or energy to go deep into ritual or do a full a card reading. When situations call for this kind of quick guidance, I’ve found that a specific variety of spirit writing does the trick. Today I felt called to share this with you.
What is Spirit Writing?
There is a proper and more traditional method of spirit (or automatic) writing that involves a psychic skill where the individual holds a writing tool, and Spirit guides their hand. In this process, the individual is not actively writing but instead, allowing Spirit to work through them.
My version of spirit writing is a little different.
While I have the utmost respect for traditional spirit writing, I ended up going my own way with it. For me, it takes time and energy to get into that deep of a connective space. I’ve found that if I have that kind of time, I prefer to connect with Spirit in my hearth room and have lingering conversations with them by the fire there.
In attempting traditional spirit writing, however, I discovered that if I don’t exactly follow the rules, it can be a handy tool when time is short and I just need a quick answer. Instead of having spirit write through me, I simply write a question at the top of the page and then jot down whatever answer I hear or sense inside of me. I do this when I don’t have time for a full ritual, but need some in-the-moment guidance.
Sometimes the answers I get are clear and to-the-point like this one where I wanted clarification on a dream I had about waking up in a bathtub grave:
(Because I’m certain no one can read my chicken scratch, below is the transcript of this entry.)
What was the meaning of my dream last night? Can you help me understand the message of the bathtub grave?
Stand up out of your grave. You are cleansed and resurrected. You have been remade. Old anxieties washed away. What is a grave but a portal for rebirth? The cycle does not end. You take none of the old residue with you. It’s been washed away. In the yard of the dead you awoke. They see through any trappings to the real you. Feel safe there. In short, your new project with the dead is mutually beneficial. Carry on.
And sometimes it’s more esoteric, more poetic, more soul filling like this one where I’d asked what the elements within me wanted to tell me:
What does my soul, with its faces of earth, air, fire and water, long to say? What would they express?
Listen, child, it’s been me all along. I have whispered to you the truth of our eternity. I have reveled in your budding understanding. Our hands will hold us together as we dance the cosmos of our becoming. Your smile radiates our love. Your laughter gives us life. Touch the salt and feel the flame. Yearn for the waters and steep in the winds. Your steps are our echoes, keep going, keep going, keep going.
In either case, I spent no more than five minutes (probably much less than that) jotting down my question and then whatever answer I heard or sensed within me. As you can see, things like nice handwriting, proper spelling and grammar all go right out the window.
For me, this is like speed guidance. Since swiftness and brevity is the key here, my thinking mind doesn’t have time to be part of the process and in this way I trust that the answers come from Spirit. I also don’t give myself time to stop and analyze any of it or even ponder if the answers feel right. I truly just make note of whatever I hear or sense within me.
If this practice sounds like fun to you, give it a try.
Say aloud, “Only my trusted spirit guides may answer.”
Take a piece of paper (or your journal) and write your question at the top of the page.
Immediately begin writing whatever you hear or sense within yourself. Only write for a couple minutes.
That’s it! No need for any prep work like getting into trance state or opening a circle. Don’t think, don’t question. If all you hear is gibberish or the word “um” then write that down. I’ve found that the messages become more clear the more I practice this. In fact, this has been a great overall tool for learning to hear messages from Spirit.
I’d love to know about your experiences with spirit writing! Let me know in the comments below or by replying to this email.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Blessings to you all!
I love love love this practice Jenna, I’ve done something similar when like you say you just want a clear answer. I actually find this process quite therapeutic and this is the perfect reminder. It’s always wonderful to get an insight into your connection to spirit. I find it beautiful and inspiring. 💫🙏
Thanks for sharing!