Jenna, I love where you went with this pair. A beautiful dance of longing and being fulfilled. Allowing the tension to be there between the two. This feels very liminal to me. Living at the edge of longing yet at the same time having completed something that the longing initiated. Savoring is one of my favorite words. And I love that you used this here. I too love to savor the longing. To extend the beauty of its message of what it is I love. And I love to extend the fulfillment. Not as a compulsion or over indulging. But again as a savoring of the moment.

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Savoring...I love that! I love that it's so connected to the sense of taste. To take a taste of the present moment and just let it slowly dissolve in the mouth so that every nuance is experienced. What a gorgeous image of loving life! Thank you so much for that!

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I really want to feel into this energy this week Jenna. I feel exactly like that, ready to go, but feel like I need to hang on. I don't always do patience very well. I get this image of everything being presented to me, but being too tired to lift my arms to receive it! It looks as though I'll be spending some time adjusting to what has just passed. Thank you, it feels very timely xx

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Sending you lots of love, Louise! I'm envisioning your arms getting rested and then super strong (like when Popeye eats his spinach) so they can collect ALL the goodness presented. 💖💖💖 I hear you about the patience bit too! I'm the same. This idea of letting the longing expand and grow and just be IN IT feels foreign to me in many ways. I'm so curious to see what shifts when I give it a go, though.

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Oh that is beautiful...so many sentences you wrote that made me go..".oh yes, thank you"

“Eros reconnects us with the primal longing to merge with another human being, nature, music, art, plants, food, or anything that we perceive we are separate from.” - Jenna this is so profound..Eros reconnects us with the primal longing to merge with another....that we perceive we are separate from...how I love that it includes nature, plants, music, art etc...to be disconnected on a deep longing level is so painful, so raw, and yet if we can call on Eros to guide us back to our deep love, oh how we can deeply breathe out...deeply deeply breathe out.

"Eros is the embodiment of the drive towards connection.." to CONNECT...to deeply connect...I feel that with all the technology that is around we are such a Disconnected society, and at the same time, trying to connect us to something false. What you are offering here, via your post and via here on Substack is a deeper connection of truth and heart, soul and passion. Thank you for bringing us back to ourselves.

And then you wrote about appetites...how Full do we need to be to feel connected, alive and free? How full do we need to be to be a truly real and honest human in this world? What fills us...what deeply really fills us? And for me, when I am deeply filled with Connection, I know that my footprint is so much lighter, my words and deeds so aligned, my vision ready to burst forth.

Thank you Jenna. 💖

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Wow, Sam, thank you so much for this! 💖💖💖 I LOVE your questions about how full do we need to be? I've been thinking about this very thing a lot recently in terms of my relationship with food specifically. What would shift in my experience if I always kept a little edge of hunger? (And I fully recognize my position of privilege to even consider such a thing.) But then you expanded this to include how full do we need to be in so many other ways? Deeply filled with Connection reminds us that we are not separate selves, but living collaborations.

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Questions upon questions...each opening another door within us...ahh, to step beyond and hold each question like it is the most sacred of treasures...Much love dear one. 💖

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“How do you feel about the idea that fulfillment is the death of longing?” Ohhhh I’m gonna need to sit with that.

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🤗 Let me know if you come up with any insights! I've been sitting with this one too. I definitely have a tendency to be focused on fulfillment. Years ago I even decided that fulfillment was the real aim, not happiness. But now I'm wondering if this has constricted my relationship with longing. Lots to consider!

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I missed this Kerani, but I'm going to sit with that too!

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Jenna, you are on fire. We are aligned, again. I am finishing up my Mabon post. I thought it would be short, but the more I work with it, the more intricate and channeled it is becoming. I love the Eros’ longing feeling. I feel that, and yet the 9 of pent has commanded me to sit down. I will check out the mini ritual this afternoon. Blessings to you, love. ❤️

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I am still working on it. It has grown to be death, part 2. So much has come through for this. Hoping to have it out in a few hours.

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Ooooh, I can't wait to check out your Mabon post! I'm so far behind on substack reading, it's crazy. I got that huge bit of news about the surprise family member last week and then Mabon just sort of slipped through my fingers. I hope to have some time to settle into that autumnal energy towards the end of the week. It's some of my favorite energy!

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I did alot of mabon work, which is why my mabon/death post is ginormous. I hope you like it. blessings to you, love. and your new family member.

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