Through the Companion and The Hanged One, this week we’re being called get clear on what our hearts need most right now. Are we being called to give or receive friendship?
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The Companion Archetype
This archetype is all about friendship. The etymology of the word ‘companion’ has to do with eating together (com=together or with; and *pa=to feed). It’s the one who shares with us both the most important as well as the most mundane parts of our lives. Using the example of Love Languages, this one excels at giving the gift of quality time. They possess the (often extrasensory) ability to know what is needed in a given situation. While we probably most readily see the Companion in our relationships with others, it’s also important to learn how to be our own best friends.
In the light, the Companion is supportive and loyal. Akin to the Mentor, they excel at helping their friends reach greatness. Likewise, they are masters at having a good time. Considerate and genuinely interested in the lives and wellbeing of their friends, the Companion in the light makes life richer for those they love. They are also secure enough in their own skin that they don’t feel threatened by being in the supportive role while others take the limelight. One of the best examples of the Companion in the light is Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Without Sam’s insights and unwavering support, Frodo would not have succeeded in his quest.
The shadow Companion, however, might use the role of friend in order to manipulate and have power over others. Often insecure, their motivations for being in friendship revolve around seeking approval, and they can resent when others shine. More commonly, though, the shadow Companion puts others before themselves and can end up in situations where they neglect their own needs and well-being. An extreme of this is when the shadow Companion chooses to support people who outright abuse their loyalty.
Some questions to consider with the Companion this week:
What does being a good friend mean to you?
How discerning are you about to whom you give your time, support, and loyalty?
How can you better gift yourself with care and fun?
Do you prefer being in the spotlight or the supportive role?
The Hanged One
Here we see a person dangling by one ankle from a very T-shaped tree. Because of their posture and the fact that they are tethered to the tree with something that looks like a golden ribbon, I believe they are in this situation by choice and not as a result of anything punitive.
Traditionally, The Hanged One is about having a change of perspective. But because it’s a major arcana card, I think it actually goes deeper than merely changing our minds. Really, it’s about the force of gravitation.
One of my favorite explorations of this card is found in Valentin Tomberg's “Meditations on the Tarot” where he talks about terrestrial versus celestial gravitation. He says that, in terrestrial gravitation—where we normally exist, with our feet on the ground—our experience is one of enfoldment. Whatever we experience, we enfold into ourselves. This gravitation is towards us with a focus on how we might benefit.
In celestial gravitation—the position of The Hanged One, with our feet in the heavens—Tomberg tells us that the experience is one of radiation. Rather than taking knowledge and experience into ourselves, we let it flow through us and out into the universe, with a focus on the benefit of others.
I think this is the perspective that we're being asked to consider when this card comes up: what gravitation field are we in? Do we have our feet on the Earth or in the Heavens? Are we focused on our own inner world, or the greater collective?
It’s my belief that neither of these gravitations is better than the other. In fact, both are required for a full life experience. Perhaps, then, instead of this being a card about changing perspective, it’s about expanding to include the other perspective.
How does this pair work together?
What I see here is Frodo standing in the lovely shire after his quest with the ring. After all he’s been through, he contemplates what he most needs right now in this moment. Does he need to receive more of Sam’s support, or is it his turn to give?
I believe this is what we’re being asked to do this week. In terms of the Companion, which gravitation do we most need right now…to receive the gift of friendship or to radiate it outward?
I love the sweetness of the cards this week. After a few heavy weeks, I think we can all use this rest in friendship. Is your heart leaning more towards needing a friend or being a friend this week? Let me know in the comments below!
Adore these insights, especially the Sam/Frodo reference 🥰
Well first of all, you can never go wrong with a reference to Frodo and Sam in my book. ;) But second, wow, this is so on the nose with my soft launch of Qstack this week - giving back, forming a fellowship/companionship of the queer folks on Substack, and for me, already having a lot of people reaching out to me and asking how they can help, that they are so excited about the effort.
Are you going through these cards in order, or are you doing a pull from each deck for the week? Thanks Jenna! Always a pleasure to have the insights you provide.