I did not know the etymology of the word "dilettante" is "from the verb “to delight”, so this archetype really is all about following our heart’s desires." I love that.

And this is a brilliant example, and Yes😁 is my answer to your question: "Have you ever gone to Google, typed your search into the bar, only to realize half a day has passed while you followed one curiosity after another? Falling down the proverbial rabbit hole…that’s the Dilettante coming alive in you."

I also love your exploration and investigation into the shadow aspect of this archetype, Jenna! And And I'm intrigued to consider the shadow side as not knowing "when to put the brakes on their learning so they end up overstimulated, overwhelmed and burned out. In every case, the shadow Dilettante has forgotten to be delighted by learning."

I love how when we investigate both the light and the shadow, we start to understand the value in both the light and the dark, and that it may be possible to find a conscious balance. And perhaps in this case, "the middle way" is to invite ourselves every week, "to do something purely for the fun of it" while also being able to commit to something and persevere. I love how you're committed to writing these Archetype and Tarot posts, Jenna!🥰✨🌟💖🙏🕊️

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This is so profound, Camilla, thank you! I often think the middle way means the capacity to hold paradox and you perfectly summed that up with the dilettante. Doing something for the fun of it while also being able to commit and persevere. The middle way really is all about holding the light AND the shadow together. Buddha was really on to something! 🤗❤️

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Oh dearest Jenna!!! This is so perfect right now. I feel as though I am standing tall and yet there is the part of me that is feeling tired. It is important for that part of me to rest and replenish. To remember that the wands are standing tall and are FLOURISHING AND GROWING and that it is important for me to replenish, to take a break - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - to that I can appreciate the GROWTH that is coming from all that I have done.


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Yes, my friend, let's just rest and gently play with quiet enjoyments. All the work and striving makes me so very tired too. I'm sending you lots of nourishing rest for the new year! ❤️

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I love this, delight in learning, I know I sure do. Until as you said, it becomes too much. An overwhelm and over load. The 9ofW is a perfect match for this. Healing, coming into balanced pace of study, moving at one's own speed. Not over doing, but being present in the learning so to open and to receive. Inspirational understanding! As always, thanks Jenna! Happy New Year!

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Thanks, Julie! Happy new year to you too! ❤️❤️❤️ A balanced pace of study and being present in the learning. That's exactly the sweet, magic spot isn't it? I usually tend towards overdoing it and all the other classic shadow dilettante stuff (because I think I might have a slight addiction to learning). I'm going to set an intention to be present in the learning. Thank you for that!

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I love how you've explained this pairing Jenna. As I was reading about the Nine of Wands I had the sensation that the person in the card could lean on the other wands for support. I agree, it's time to set aside the work and allow the joy to come.

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Yes! Work shmork. Let's play, sister! ❤️

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Yay to small wins with the spelling :p I haven’t thought about the dilettante this way before but reading it I feel like this has been my energy this year. Kind of fluttering from one subject to the other. Thank you for this! A

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🤗 Thank you! I'm working on celebrating all things that don't suck, so for that spelling win, I should probably have an all-out party. 😁❤️ I'm so glad you were able to see the dilettante pattern in your year. I love the idea of spending a year floating from one interest to the next. That sounds quite magical to me. You've inspired me!

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Jenna, once again, this reading feels like you’re reading directly to me and my life! I was journaling yesterday how I feel a need to just play right now, to take off any pressure and find the joy in experimentation and exploration. Thank you for this message and reminder from the universe, happy new year!

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Yay! I'm so glad! I'm in exactly the same boat. And it's almost like I've forgotten how to play, it's been so long. I'm SO looking forward to remembering, though!

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It's been something I'm actively pursuing over the past year. I hit a creative burnout right when I became pregnant and it was a big realignment of what I wanted to be making. Lots of experimenting and exploration ahead of me!

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Dec 31, 2023
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Ooooh, I'd be so intrigued to know what your therapist has to say about it if it feels good to share. And I'm right there with you...I can be so totally immersed and committed to something, like I'm sure this is IT, but then it just sort of vanishes. I can't even count how many books I've started writing. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this. Thank you for sharing, Gene!

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Dec 31, 2023
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Thank you, Anot! 💕🤗

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