Explore the wisdom of The Genius and Seven of Cups in tarot—how to navigate choices, cut through illusion, and trust your inner knowing. Learn how to move from overwhelm to clarity, embrace the right path for your soul, and take inspired action without fear of losing possibilities. Practical guidance included!
We are already in the illusion. The Magician is certainly a Genius Archetype playing and juggling the elements within the Illusion, shaking the Sistrum like a baby’s rattle. To me the Fool, the First Traveller is beyond the Magician, a Genius Archetype with the Knowledge of both reality and illusion. I see what you are saying about the choices within the seven cups… if even one choice is chosen and studied to the most perfecting it can be in realisation, all other choices then fall into that place of perfection. It is where multi-talent comes into being. Timing is of the essence in making any choice. If one virtue is chosen and perfected then all of them become easy. Thank you for your insights, Jenna. …
I love this, Dwina, thank you! I see the Fool the same way, having knowledge of both reality and illusion, poised between seen and unseen. Such a liminal one. Thank you for bringing your insights about Timing to this pairing of the Genius and Seven of Cups and how if we perfect one choice, all of them become easy. 💖💖💖 It feels like such a relational take, reminding me of the web of connection among all things, all choices. The Genius knows this web well. In fact, I might be coming to realize that the Genius IS this web.
I’m loving this Jenna as it echoes the expansion that I have been feeling, but with so many choices of where to go next, I have been hesitant about choosing ones, but this has given me the confidence to just pick one for now! It is also aligned with an illusion that came to me this morning of being too small to make a big impact. It’s all dissolving as it should. Thank you! xx
Yes! Just pick one for now! I'm like you...putting so much pressure on myself to get it "right", I forget that I can always change my mind and choose differently later if I want to. 😂 I'm so glad your illusion dissolved. You make a huge impact! Your magic lights the way for so many other magic makers and so the effect is exponential. It ripples out across time and dimensions. 💖💖💖
This is so timely, with things feeling so chaotic and moving at breakneck speed. I deeply appreciate the wise, wide-open space the genius provides in these 7 of cups moments. There is no right or wrong, and creativity is endless. I also love the ideas of focusing on the feeling I'm after, rather than the very mutable external results. And of flipping a coin, not to decide for me, but to help me locate my organic, essential reaction to the idea of the answer. Thank you so much for this goodness.
Thank you so much, Keith! ❤️🤗 I love that you're here and we're all holding to each other as lifelines in this churning ocean we're in at the moment. The Genius, and the Guardian before that, have been like anchor points for me too. I'm certain the Universe is guiding us through these cards and it does my heart good to know we're in it together.
Anchor points and lifelines feel like such apt metaphors, Jenna! And yes, the Universe and the gifts of divination are such a balm. Thank you for sharing so generously <3
Again, I am loving this new format Jenna. And the 7ofC is quite the pairing. For me it all comes down to these words you expressed, "we think we want—success, wealth, recognition—may only be a reflection of deeper emotional needs: connection, peace, freedom." It is not saying "no" to our longing and desires, but getting clearer about what they are. Learning from the genius, which I see reflected in my guides and inner Sophia, that I can see beyond the illusion into what I deeply need instead. Beautiful! 💜
Ahhh, I love that you mention Sophia here! I'm making a note to talk about this when next we meet. I had such an amazing experience this week of seeing my Genius (which is sort of like a soft piece of bubblegum in my solar plexus area) AS Wisdom and how it can become the web of fascia/tissue that connects everything (much like the vision I got at our last priestess ritual). So much to discuss! Thank you SO much for this comment! 💖💖💖
This is an essay to read closely, to absorb fully and allow to settle in our bones. It is so easy to force the right decision so I appreciate the clarity and suggestions you give on the ramifications (or what we falsely think they are) that affect our choices. Mostly I do pretty well with making decisions and moving forward but I can be guilty of forcing something to feel right rather than waiting, and allowing, it to unfold. This is why this month's focus on The Genius is so timely for me as it's strengthening my desire to simply lean in and focus on the feeling. Thank you Jenna💕
Thank you so much, Donna! 💖🤗 Sometimes, for me, the waiting for a thing to unfold is the hardest part. I'm finding that one bit thing this exploration of the Genius is helping me confront is my need to control (which I thought I'd already unraveled, but here we are again 😂). And I've been loving this week and shifting my focus simply to the feeling of desire itself, rather than outcome. I know I've said this before, but I'm so glad to be on this journey with you!
"What is real? What is illusion? And, most importantly, what do we actually want to feel?"
Yes, yes, yes! It's too easy to cling to suffering, especially during these times.
I also love this: "What we think we want—success, wealth, recognition—may only be a reflection of deeper emotional needs: connection, peace, freedom."
And we're so lucky to have Substack as one source of that trifecta: connection, peace, freedom!
You may be tired of hearing this😉but I'm soooo appreciative of the work you do in the world. So much heartfelt gratitude and blessings to you Jenna✨🌟💖🙏🕊️
p.s. there is a stunning graphic you have of a black crow sitting on a chalice against a brightly colored background, that appears on your "home" page, but I'm surprised it's not included in your post here...
Wow! It's just such a beautiful image, it's nice to see it in it's full glory🥰 and thank you for introducing me to Midjourney - which is I think where you created it? I've been having so much fun creating images with Midjourney too.
Oh, gosh, thank you so much, Camilla! And I never tire of hearing these words from you! 💖💖💖 I LOVE that you mention Substack as a source of connection, peace and freedom. How utterly perfect! And so true. Thank you for mentioning the image of the crow on the chalice. It's so funny, I spend hours on each image...including those thumbnails. Each week I ask myself if this is really the best use of my time, but I can't seem to help it. Lol. Thanks for suggesting I put the thumbnail in the post too. That's a great idea!
Oh yes, as paralyzing as choice can be there’s for gratitude in the abundance of choices available…
Sometimes I feel like a seesaw back-and-forth of gratitude and irritation at all the choices available. 😅
Oh my gosh, I so get this! I feel that same seesaw in so many moments of my life. 😂
lol right?!? Like thank you for all the opportunities but now how am I supposed to choose lol
Thank you, ‘the deepest calling, I have a feeling beneath all other desires.’
Yes to this sinking in
Yay! Thank you, Prajna! I’m so glad this resonates with you. 💕
We are already in the illusion. The Magician is certainly a Genius Archetype playing and juggling the elements within the Illusion, shaking the Sistrum like a baby’s rattle. To me the Fool, the First Traveller is beyond the Magician, a Genius Archetype with the Knowledge of both reality and illusion. I see what you are saying about the choices within the seven cups… if even one choice is chosen and studied to the most perfecting it can be in realisation, all other choices then fall into that place of perfection. It is where multi-talent comes into being. Timing is of the essence in making any choice. If one virtue is chosen and perfected then all of them become easy. Thank you for your insights, Jenna. …
I love this, Dwina, thank you! I see the Fool the same way, having knowledge of both reality and illusion, poised between seen and unseen. Such a liminal one. Thank you for bringing your insights about Timing to this pairing of the Genius and Seven of Cups and how if we perfect one choice, all of them become easy. 💖💖💖 It feels like such a relational take, reminding me of the web of connection among all things, all choices. The Genius knows this web well. In fact, I might be coming to realize that the Genius IS this web.
Dear Jenna,
It was Genius of you to make the connection!
Dwina x
I’m loving this Jenna as it echoes the expansion that I have been feeling, but with so many choices of where to go next, I have been hesitant about choosing ones, but this has given me the confidence to just pick one for now! It is also aligned with an illusion that came to me this morning of being too small to make a big impact. It’s all dissolving as it should. Thank you! xx
Yes! Just pick one for now! I'm like you...putting so much pressure on myself to get it "right", I forget that I can always change my mind and choose differently later if I want to. 😂 I'm so glad your illusion dissolved. You make a huge impact! Your magic lights the way for so many other magic makers and so the effect is exponential. It ripples out across time and dimensions. 💖💖💖
That’s so kind Jenna, thank you! 💫💕
This is so timely, with things feeling so chaotic and moving at breakneck speed. I deeply appreciate the wise, wide-open space the genius provides in these 7 of cups moments. There is no right or wrong, and creativity is endless. I also love the ideas of focusing on the feeling I'm after, rather than the very mutable external results. And of flipping a coin, not to decide for me, but to help me locate my organic, essential reaction to the idea of the answer. Thank you so much for this goodness.
Thank you so much, Keith! ❤️🤗 I love that you're here and we're all holding to each other as lifelines in this churning ocean we're in at the moment. The Genius, and the Guardian before that, have been like anchor points for me too. I'm certain the Universe is guiding us through these cards and it does my heart good to know we're in it together.
Anchor points and lifelines feel like such apt metaphors, Jenna! And yes, the Universe and the gifts of divination are such a balm. Thank you for sharing so generously <3
Again, I am loving this new format Jenna. And the 7ofC is quite the pairing. For me it all comes down to these words you expressed, "we think we want—success, wealth, recognition—may only be a reflection of deeper emotional needs: connection, peace, freedom." It is not saying "no" to our longing and desires, but getting clearer about what they are. Learning from the genius, which I see reflected in my guides and inner Sophia, that I can see beyond the illusion into what I deeply need instead. Beautiful! 💜
Ahhh, I love that you mention Sophia here! I'm making a note to talk about this when next we meet. I had such an amazing experience this week of seeing my Genius (which is sort of like a soft piece of bubblegum in my solar plexus area) AS Wisdom and how it can become the web of fascia/tissue that connects everything (much like the vision I got at our last priestess ritual). So much to discuss! Thank you SO much for this comment! 💖💖💖
I so appreciate this. The timely wisdom I was seeking. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Sarah! 💖💖
This is an essay to read closely, to absorb fully and allow to settle in our bones. It is so easy to force the right decision so I appreciate the clarity and suggestions you give on the ramifications (or what we falsely think they are) that affect our choices. Mostly I do pretty well with making decisions and moving forward but I can be guilty of forcing something to feel right rather than waiting, and allowing, it to unfold. This is why this month's focus on The Genius is so timely for me as it's strengthening my desire to simply lean in and focus on the feeling. Thank you Jenna💕
Thank you so much, Donna! 💖🤗 Sometimes, for me, the waiting for a thing to unfold is the hardest part. I'm finding that one bit thing this exploration of the Genius is helping me confront is my need to control (which I thought I'd already unraveled, but here we are again 😂). And I've been loving this week and shifting my focus simply to the feeling of desire itself, rather than outcome. I know I've said this before, but I'm so glad to be on this journey with you!
“Here we go again…” Truer words were never spoken!🤣❤️
Jenna, you've done it again🥰
"What is real? What is illusion? And, most importantly, what do we actually want to feel?"
Yes, yes, yes! It's too easy to cling to suffering, especially during these times.
I also love this: "What we think we want—success, wealth, recognition—may only be a reflection of deeper emotional needs: connection, peace, freedom."
And we're so lucky to have Substack as one source of that trifecta: connection, peace, freedom!
You may be tired of hearing this😉but I'm soooo appreciative of the work you do in the world. So much heartfelt gratitude and blessings to you Jenna✨🌟💖🙏🕊️
p.s. there is a stunning graphic you have of a black crow sitting on a chalice against a brightly colored background, that appears on your "home" page, but I'm surprised it's not included in your post here...
I just updated this post with image at the end. Thanks again for the suggestion!
Wow! It's just such a beautiful image, it's nice to see it in it's full glory🥰 and thank you for introducing me to Midjourney - which is I think where you created it? I've been having so much fun creating images with Midjourney too.
Yes, Midjourney! I know AI can be controversial, but I really love working with Midjourney. I’m so glad you enjoy it too!
Oh, gosh, thank you so much, Camilla! And I never tire of hearing these words from you! 💖💖💖 I LOVE that you mention Substack as a source of connection, peace and freedom. How utterly perfect! And so true. Thank you for mentioning the image of the crow on the chalice. It's so funny, I spend hours on each image...including those thumbnails. Each week I ask myself if this is really the best use of my time, but I can't seem to help it. Lol. Thanks for suggesting I put the thumbnail in the post too. That's a great idea!