I felt my creative vibration rising as I read this. Like the ruby slippers, “You’ve always had the power, my dear.” ♥️🪷

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Beautiful! I love this, Guinevere, thank you! 💖💖

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Love this one Jenna, my mentor would often say “it’s all here for you” and this has reminded me that we are merely bringing what we have already earned through into reality. It can shift our perspective no end!

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Yesterday I dedicated Feb 3rd - March 31st to manifesting my creative spark! ❤️

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Yay! How perfect! 💖🤗💖

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Love this, "The Magician does not invent possibility—they give it form, creating a physical framework that allows us to experience the vastness of what is possible." What a great combo, the genius as the spark of insight, the magician as the means for the expression of it!

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I also loved the quote before it from Bakara Witner... so atmospheric.

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Thanks, friend! 💖💖 I gasped when I drew the Magician. It just felt like the perfect start to pair with the Genius.

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I love the idea of instead of striving, we align. 💕

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Yay! Me too, Leo! It’s something I have to keep reminding myself about, but when I do, everything just feels more magical. 💖

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I love, and need, the nudge to create a small prototype of my idea rather than feeling the pressure to craft the whole thing at once. It's the reminder to sit quietly and see what comes through. The Genius and the Magician seem like the perfect couple! I'm glad they showed up.

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Thanks so much, Donna! 💖💖 I’m the same way…I can easily go into freeze if I look at a project in its big, huge entirety. And, just as you say here, when I shift my focus onto a more manageable size—one that I have the capacity for—then I can act as more of a channel for allowing what wants to come through. I’m excited to find out what you’ve got cooking! I know it will be amazing!

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