I am really playing close attention to the messages that are coming through this Guardian guidance Jenna. It’s so interesting to explore this and see where those adjustments are calling to be made. I know I can be quite strict with joy boundaries, but then fly off into the air as well, so for me it’s finding that middle ground where it’s in balance. Thank you for your wise words. xx

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I so agree, Louise! Finding that middle ground is where it's at for me too. My boundaries against the outside world can be incredibly rigid, while at the same time there are lots of areas where I have no boundaries at all. I've already learned so much from this exploration of the Guardian. It sort of feels like what we've all needed.

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Once again Jenna, the wisdom you share in this post is so deeply resonant. It's kind of uncanny how you offer exactly what's needed right now. Thank you!❤️🙏🕊️

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It’s uncanny for me too! I’m always amazed how much these pairings speak right to whatever is happening in my life personally, as well as to so many readers. There is definitely divine wisdom in these cards!

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So many good questions for pondering this week, Jenna! ✨

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Thanks, Liz! 💖 I’ve really been pondering them all myself this week too. My pathways feel a bit murky these days. I think this pairing was perfect for me this week.

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