I love this final pairing with the guardian. REST! This is part of any cycle and for everything. There must be a time for rest. To recuperate, regenerate and remember. Interesting that I thought of three words there that start with "re". Meaning we need to keep coming back. One time is not enough. Again the cycles always include a time for rest. This is beautiful Jenna. Loving this new exploration. So YES to one archetype per month. Loving the deeper dive.

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Ooooh, I love those ‘re’ words! All words that belong to the spiral. How very insightful, my friend! 💕

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"In what ways might you be confusing self-sabotage with the need for rest?" This was an interesting question for me this week Jenna. I've found that when I've wanted to step out, I've hastily been pulled back in. I believe it's because there is more to renew, but I have beat myself up quite a bit for self-sabotaging. Gently does it then!

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Me too, exactly! Learning to trust the self seems to be an ongoing lesson for me. Gently does it is the perfect mantra! 🤗

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Thank you for such beautiful and meaningful images and words.

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Oh, thank you! You made my day. I love you! ❤️❤️❤️

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Oh Jenna, this is DIVINE...My last couple of posts have been on R.E.S.T - Recouperating Energies Slowly, Thoughtfully...and what you wrote here is PERFECT...Oh my!!! It is a reflection on what I am going through and it is enabling me to offer more of myself when I do rest.

Thank you to the Guardian for supporting me through this.

ps. I tried to press on your poll and couldn't do so for whatever reason.. I would like to focus on one archetype per month please. xxx

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Yay! It fills my heart that our energies are all aligning. I LOVE Recuperating Energies Slowly, Thoughtfully. ❤️❤️ Thank you for telling me your vote. It seems unanimous…we’ll do another month with one archetype. I’m excited!

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Such a beautiful pairing, and one I feel so deeply right now as we reach the peak of winter. Your words totally affirm what I’ve been feeling lately, thank you as always!

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Thank you so much, Kerry! May you feel well rested and deeply restored! 💖💖💖

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Much of this month has been about rest and reflection for me. I entered this space at Yule and am preparing to emerge from it at Imbolc this weekend. The snake stirs...

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I was so happy to see the Four of Swords for this week with the Guardian. I’ve been feeling that snake stirring and I’m not quite ready yet. Lol!

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“Rest is not a luxury, it is part of the cycle” love this! And love the guardian aspect and correspondence. 🙏

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Thank you so much, Carolina! 🤗💕

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