Explore the profound pairing of The Guardian archetype with The Star card. This post dives into themes of boundaries, trust, and safeguarding hope, offering practical wisdom and reflective questions to guide your week.
I'm just discovering these posts now and i'm very sad that I miss them in the weeks that they were posted. Would you suggest that I just read them quickly and go on to february or incorporate them into february's weeks?
Hi there! I'd say: however it feels right to you is exactly perfect. 🤗 I really do believe these archetypes show up in our lives when they're meant to. If it was me, I'd probably spend a day or two on each of the Guardian posts then move on to the Genius. But, truly, go with what feels best to you. And thank you so much for reading! 💖💖💖
I think the star card perfectly aligns to the bear motif of protector/ guardian. As some believe the star car is the pole star, with the 7 stars representative of the 7 stars of Ursa Major the great bear, but also the 7 is the shape of the constellations for the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, as 7 can look like a ladle/ dipper. For me the star card indicative of the North Star, is about finding your center, your North Star or compass within
Yes, I love this! The Star as the guide and compass within. That feels so perfect. And with the guardian, it makes me contemplate how we can both protect and feel secure within that guidance. Thank you for these insights, Katriena! 🤗
Love this pairing. And the question the Star asks, "What is the light you guard, and how does it guide you?" Being a true/aligned guardian requires flexibility, porousness, elasticity. Otherwise the boundaries become stagnant or hard. This question the Star asks is a reminder for me to pay attention each moment. Asking myself what sacred magic and mystery am I guarding and how does it guide me? It's an interconnected and interdependent relationship.
I love this, Julie…what sacred magic and mystery am I guarding and how does it guide me? As I’m sitting here navigating the discomfort of covid, this feels like the perfect re-centering question for me. Thank you for this wisdom! 💖
I have been thinking about you, dear friend! Sending you love and healing vibes/energy. I find it quite amusing that the times I am sick, I tend to engage in my deepest contemplations. Maybe that's because I am forced to really s l o w d o w n ! ❤
Ive been working with these energies lately and so this is just perfect! Your posts on guardians are showing me more details to my path. ❤️ Adding even more depth and richness, while reminding me to watch when I'm becoming rigid which is a reminder I need. Thank you! 😊
Thank you so much, Isabella! I feel the same way about the Guardian. It’s been so eye-opening for me to be in this energy. I do tend to guard myself with thick walls instead of fluid, healthy boundaries. I love that we’re on this journey with the Guardian together! 💕
I agree that this is a magical partnership Jenna, bears are very powerful symbols in Native American medicine and stars well they speak to me of expansion and trusting in our star ancestors. I love that we get to explore this for longer, it works for my slow processing brain!
Yay! I’m so glad! 🤗 I’ve been loving it too; this slowing down with the archetype and really marinating in it for a while. It feels aligned with the call to hibernation that those of us in the northern hemisphere are in right now.
I watched the video you put up in the notes. Wow! That definitely is a pack of wolves. 🐺 🐺 🐺 I’ve had wolves come up for me in dreams and hypnosis. It’s usually a pack of wolves, not a lone wolf. For me, that reminds me that I’m never alone, even if I identify as a lone wolf, there are always others that are part of my pack that are ready to defend me. I see it as a positive sign. The Star is also a hopeful and supportive sign even during these times of uncertainty.
You said, “The Star reminds us that we are not alone in this work. There are greater forces at play, and trusting these forces allows us to step into guardianship not from a place of fear but from a place of grace.” In this way, the Star reinforces the message of the protective pack. I am reminded that I’m part of something greater than myself. We’ve got a lot of rogue renegade energy dominating — at least in the news. We also live in a country that encourages individualism and self reliance. But without a guiding light to help us navigate the North Star, we can become untethered or left drifting in a dangerous current. We’re focused on our singular concerns when we act only from our ego. I feel that the Star suggests a need for trust, it also challenges us to develop our consciousness. Think before you act. Pause before you speak. Consider the words you use as they may carry resonance with the pack.
I like what you said here, “In practical terms, this might mean creating boundaries that protect our creative energy, our spiritual practices, or our emotional well-being. It might also mean recognizing when our boundaries have become so rigid that they block the flow of inspiration. The Star’s presence invites us to reflect on how we can guard our light with clarity and trust, leaving space for it to expand.”
Yes. When you experience a sense of threat or fear of the unknown (which is an energy that’s operating right now as we enter 2025) who do you trust? where do you put your trust? Where do you find inspiration? For me, it’s in art, nature and movement. Boundaries are possible without resorting to a rigid stance, but only when we feel a sense of safety. Guardians can provide a tangible sense of safety as we navigate unfamiliar terrain. Many of us are navigating new terrain as the world does not look or seem to operate the way it did yesterday. It’s possible to still be open and allow yourself to feel and connect with others. But, it hasn’t always been that way for me. It’s definitely a work in progress.
This is amazing, Anna, thank you! The morning I saw the pack of coyotes was truly a blessing of magic. I walked out my front door to go my usual route on my walk, but then I heard a raven call from the opposite way. So I turned to follow it. It was only because of that that I ended up encountering the coyotes. And then, not twenty four hours later, I began feeling ill and ended up with covid. As I’ve been convalescing over the days since, I keep holding that image of dream I’d had the night before (of bears and coyotes) and then the raven and coyotes that morning…all of that together in this Guardian and Star energy really does remind me that I am surrounded by forces that I can trust, that I can lean into and feel safe with. These forces that hold me as I heal. Just as you say here, “I’m never alone, even if I identify as a lone wolf, there are always others that are part of my pack that are ready to defend me.” Thank you so much for all your beautiful words here! 💖💖💖
Thanks. I’m enjoying connecting with you here. Wolves are incredible animals. I just remembered another story about a wolf vision I had. I’ll share some other time. I’m going to be taking a break from Substack for a few weeks. Hope we can reconnect once I get back. x
Potent pairing, and in total alignment with my inner landscape as the Light of the New Born Sun returns. Your insights are sparkling stars of their own, and your writing is Divine. Thank youuuuu! ✨💛
Thank you, thank you, Rom! 😍❤️ I love that this is aligned with your current inner landscape and I look forward to hearing more about that soon. I’ve been steeping in the energy of the Guardian and the Star too as I heal from covid. It’s been amazing to feel their presence guarding and guiding me even in the deepest discomfort. I love knowing that they are surrounding you too!
Bears and mountains have long been guardians for me. The Star is healing for me, the energy full of idealism. I appreciate the pairing of guarding my idealism and paying attention to health. I also think about serving as guardian to others, and shining Star energy for them.
This is a perfect, and beautiful, combination to start the year. I think this is showing up for me as a reminder to honor the sacred in my everyday life - to protect it. It's also telling me to trust my inner knowing, to pay closer attention to it and, from that place, set boundaries around my time so those things that nurture my soul can take up more space in my day.
I'm just discovering these posts now and i'm very sad that I miss them in the weeks that they were posted. Would you suggest that I just read them quickly and go on to february or incorporate them into february's weeks?
Hi there! I'd say: however it feels right to you is exactly perfect. 🤗 I really do believe these archetypes show up in our lives when they're meant to. If it was me, I'd probably spend a day or two on each of the Guardian posts then move on to the Genius. But, truly, go with what feels best to you. And thank you so much for reading! 💖💖💖
I think the star card perfectly aligns to the bear motif of protector/ guardian. As some believe the star car is the pole star, with the 7 stars representative of the 7 stars of Ursa Major the great bear, but also the 7 is the shape of the constellations for the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, as 7 can look like a ladle/ dipper. For me the star card indicative of the North Star, is about finding your center, your North Star or compass within
Yes, I love this! The Star as the guide and compass within. That feels so perfect. And with the guardian, it makes me contemplate how we can both protect and feel secure within that guidance. Thank you for these insights, Katriena! 🤗
Love this pairing. And the question the Star asks, "What is the light you guard, and how does it guide you?" Being a true/aligned guardian requires flexibility, porousness, elasticity. Otherwise the boundaries become stagnant or hard. This question the Star asks is a reminder for me to pay attention each moment. Asking myself what sacred magic and mystery am I guarding and how does it guide me? It's an interconnected and interdependent relationship.
I love this, Julie…what sacred magic and mystery am I guarding and how does it guide me? As I’m sitting here navigating the discomfort of covid, this feels like the perfect re-centering question for me. Thank you for this wisdom! 💖
I have been thinking about you, dear friend! Sending you love and healing vibes/energy. I find it quite amusing that the times I am sick, I tend to engage in my deepest contemplations. Maybe that's because I am forced to really s l o w d o w n ! ❤
Ive been working with these energies lately and so this is just perfect! Your posts on guardians are showing me more details to my path. ❤️ Adding even more depth and richness, while reminding me to watch when I'm becoming rigid which is a reminder I need. Thank you! 😊
Thank you so much, Isabella! I feel the same way about the Guardian. It’s been so eye-opening for me to be in this energy. I do tend to guard myself with thick walls instead of fluid, healthy boundaries. I love that we’re on this journey with the Guardian together! 💕
I agree that this is a magical partnership Jenna, bears are very powerful symbols in Native American medicine and stars well they speak to me of expansion and trusting in our star ancestors. I love that we get to explore this for longer, it works for my slow processing brain!
Yay! I’m so glad! 🤗 I’ve been loving it too; this slowing down with the archetype and really marinating in it for a while. It feels aligned with the call to hibernation that those of us in the northern hemisphere are in right now.
I watched the video you put up in the notes. Wow! That definitely is a pack of wolves. 🐺 🐺 🐺 I’ve had wolves come up for me in dreams and hypnosis. It’s usually a pack of wolves, not a lone wolf. For me, that reminds me that I’m never alone, even if I identify as a lone wolf, there are always others that are part of my pack that are ready to defend me. I see it as a positive sign. The Star is also a hopeful and supportive sign even during these times of uncertainty.
You said, “The Star reminds us that we are not alone in this work. There are greater forces at play, and trusting these forces allows us to step into guardianship not from a place of fear but from a place of grace.” In this way, the Star reinforces the message of the protective pack. I am reminded that I’m part of something greater than myself. We’ve got a lot of rogue renegade energy dominating — at least in the news. We also live in a country that encourages individualism and self reliance. But without a guiding light to help us navigate the North Star, we can become untethered or left drifting in a dangerous current. We’re focused on our singular concerns when we act only from our ego. I feel that the Star suggests a need for trust, it also challenges us to develop our consciousness. Think before you act. Pause before you speak. Consider the words you use as they may carry resonance with the pack.
I like what you said here, “In practical terms, this might mean creating boundaries that protect our creative energy, our spiritual practices, or our emotional well-being. It might also mean recognizing when our boundaries have become so rigid that they block the flow of inspiration. The Star’s presence invites us to reflect on how we can guard our light with clarity and trust, leaving space for it to expand.”
Yes. When you experience a sense of threat or fear of the unknown (which is an energy that’s operating right now as we enter 2025) who do you trust? where do you put your trust? Where do you find inspiration? For me, it’s in art, nature and movement. Boundaries are possible without resorting to a rigid stance, but only when we feel a sense of safety. Guardians can provide a tangible sense of safety as we navigate unfamiliar terrain. Many of us are navigating new terrain as the world does not look or seem to operate the way it did yesterday. It’s possible to still be open and allow yourself to feel and connect with others. But, it hasn’t always been that way for me. It’s definitely a work in progress.
This is amazing, Anna, thank you! The morning I saw the pack of coyotes was truly a blessing of magic. I walked out my front door to go my usual route on my walk, but then I heard a raven call from the opposite way. So I turned to follow it. It was only because of that that I ended up encountering the coyotes. And then, not twenty four hours later, I began feeling ill and ended up with covid. As I’ve been convalescing over the days since, I keep holding that image of dream I’d had the night before (of bears and coyotes) and then the raven and coyotes that morning…all of that together in this Guardian and Star energy really does remind me that I am surrounded by forces that I can trust, that I can lean into and feel safe with. These forces that hold me as I heal. Just as you say here, “I’m never alone, even if I identify as a lone wolf, there are always others that are part of my pack that are ready to defend me.” Thank you so much for all your beautiful words here! 💖💖💖
Thanks. I’m enjoying connecting with you here. Wolves are incredible animals. I just remembered another story about a wolf vision I had. I’ll share some other time. I’m going to be taking a break from Substack for a few weeks. Hope we can reconnect once I get back. x
Potent pairing, and in total alignment with my inner landscape as the Light of the New Born Sun returns. Your insights are sparkling stars of their own, and your writing is Divine. Thank youuuuu! ✨💛
Thank you, thank you, Rom! 😍❤️ I love that this is aligned with your current inner landscape and I look forward to hearing more about that soon. I’ve been steeping in the energy of the Guardian and the Star too as I heal from covid. It’s been amazing to feel their presence guarding and guiding me even in the deepest discomfort. I love knowing that they are surrounding you too!
Bears and mountains have long been guardians for me. The Star is healing for me, the energy full of idealism. I appreciate the pairing of guarding my idealism and paying attention to health. I also think about serving as guardian to others, and shining Star energy for them.
Oooh, yes, I love this, Shana! Serving as Guardian and Star for others. This is beautiful, thank you! 💖🤗
This is a perfect, and beautiful, combination to start the year. I think this is showing up for me as a reminder to honor the sacred in my everyday life - to protect it. It's also telling me to trust my inner knowing, to pay closer attention to it and, from that place, set boundaries around my time so those things that nurture my soul can take up more space in my day.
This is an excellent essay, thank you❤️
Yes! I love this, Donna! Setting boundaries so the soul-nurturing stuff can fill our lives. That’s so gorgeous, my friend!
I love this articulation their combined wisdom and how they support one another, thank you 🙏
Thank you, Artemis! 💖🙏