Through the Mediator and Nine of Pentacles, this week we’re being called to come into a deeper relationship with tension. How can we create abundance out of the opposing forces of our lives?
Welcome everyone! For an overview of what I’m doing here, please check out this post all about it. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building! (If you’d like to support this work by making a one-time donation, you can buy me a cup of coffee here.❤️)
(The alt text editor for this post seems to not be working, so to help with accessibility, here is a description of the image that follows…On a gray background are the words: Archetype and the Tarot, The Mediator and Nine of Pentacles. In the center is a key with butterfly wings surrounded by an animated seed of life pattern.)
The Mediator Archetype
A master of liminal spaces, the Mediator has the keen ability to see all sides of an issue. They are the great manifestors of the win-win scenario. I believe that when the Mediator comes up in a reading, we’re being called to liminality, to become the place where two opposing forces can be woven together.
In the light, the Mediator possesses tremendous powers of impartiality and is deeply trustworthy. Skilled at negotiations, they can offer solutions and help others to smooth the waters of conflict. They also excel at managing boundaries, both their own and others’. Motivated by a desire to create true harmony, the Mediator steps between the parties in conflict so that they turn their attention from one another towards the solution. A true leader, the Mediator in the light is able to become the focal point while simultaneously keeping themselves out of harm’s way.
In the shadow, the Mediator might have a hidden agenda. Instead of remaining impartial and seeking a solution that benefits all parties, the shadow Mediator might have a favorite at the table. Or they may even seek a solution that is only self-serving. Most commonly, though, the shadow Mediator has not yet mastered the art of keeping their own boundaries strong and so they end up embroiled in the drama and conflict of others instead.
Some questions to consider this week:
How do you feel about the idea of compromise?
How do you define justice?
How does your inner Mediator help you balance different facets of your life?
Are you able to remain impartial when your loved ones are in conflict?
Nine of Pentacles
Here we see a figure clothed in a golden, flowing robe and surrounded by nine pentacles. Their right hand rests on one of the pentacles while a masked falcon is perched on their left hand. Behind them is a lush vineyard with bunches of grapes ready to be picked. The sky is the same golden hue as the figure’s robe.
There is one word that comes to mind when I see this card: ripeness.
The person in this card has already put in the work (and was smiled upon by Fortune) and now everything has come to luxurious fruition. The falcon is tamed, the pentacles are stacked, and the grapes ready to harvest.
When we get this card, I think we’re being given the message that now is a time to gather, to luxuriate in our accomplishments. This is a time of harmonic tension1; when our relationships with our surroundings and other beings are in balance, resulting in a fruitful and lovely resonance. Can we take a moment to celebrate all this magnificence?
How does this pair work together?
I see the figure in the Nine of Pentacles having mediated—or woven together—the forces of wet and dry, light and dark, wild and controlled, etc. to get to this point of ripeness. Instead of feeling the pull of one of the dualities more than the other, they’ve utilized the tension to weave this scene of abundance. They remind us that embracing and integrating contrasting aspects of life can lead to a state of prosperity and fulfillment.
This is what we’re being called to this week. How do we mediate the dualities of our experience in order to create ripeness? Can we hold within us both the good and bad—the preferred and non-preferred—and let the resulting tension feel like desire instead of overwhelm?
As someone who tends to feel easily overwhelmed, I feel both excited and nervous about this week’s message. The mini-ritual I created for this week seems like it will be particularly helpful for this pairing. Let me know how you fare this week by replying to this email or commenting below. Blessings to you all for a week of ripe abundance! 🤗
Jenna what a wonderful pairing. As you know, I totally resonate with liminality. And it is here in plenitude by what the Mediator and the 9ofP create together. In our world so drawn into opposing forces, what a significant teaching that we can find abundance in the coming together. I believe there is a wealth beyond our wildness imaginations by focusing on win-win outcomes. And it is challenging because there is a liminal tension, pushing us past our own limitations and beliefs. Hard at times to not cling to these opinions and to truly feel into and listen to the other side. And there resides the alchemy for meaningful change. Jenna, this is a really good one!!!
Jenna, this is getting weird (in a very deep, good way). Since I started reading your Sunday posts regularly, everything you write seems to resonate with what's going on in my life, sometimes even uncannily accurate.
As it does today. It was just last night that I awoke from a dilemma and found again that the principle "both are true" applies so often (I have learnt that repeatedly in the past, and even more so recently). I can't tell if what is happening is also part of ripeness, if it is indeed coming to fruition, it's still a bit soon to tell; but it feels as if it might, with the mediation job accomplished maybe for the first time in my life. I'm talking about emotional impulses and patterns in my private life, nothing professional or institutional. Thank you so much, and I'll keep reading!