So great to find you on Substack. I've been a scholar of the Tarot for over thirty years. Really looking forward to more of your insights and inspiration.

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Hi Linda! 🤗 I'm so happy to connect with you! I've been studying the tarot for decades too, but I still feel like such a beginner. I like to think of the tarot as a language with 8 billion dialects. Lol. My mind wants to make something concrete of it, but it seems to be always shifting. It's one of the things I love about it, if I'm honest. Thank you so much for commenting and I look forward to getting to know you and your work! 💖

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Another fascinating pairing Jenna! What this pairing tells me is that I need to slow down, rest my mind and body more so that I am refreshed to receive and be present with the rituals that I do. Funny I used to be quite the meditator. Every morning for years, I even led it and taught classes in it. But it kept me in my mind. Witnessing and observing, (which has its place). However now, I see it more as a patriarchal way of practicing spiritually, removed. Things shifted for me when I energetically entered the heart and belly. For me the mystic archetype is about being deeply in my body, in the womb, with the elements, movements of life, nature, my breath, etc. An integration of the mind, heart, body and soul. Being a person with a strong mind, I need to let it slow down, even bow down to the heart and belly. Currently for me that means being kinesthetic, doing ritual, moving my body, practices that focus on the heart, etc. Letting the mysticism and animism come alive is where I deeply get fed.

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I just posted death part 3 on the challenge of intentional rest. We are synced, it is beautiful. 🔮

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Dearest Jenna, shall we just chop wood and collect water together this week...the road to enlightenment is the same as the road after enlightenment as Buddah once apparently said. Shall together we just do the "mundane" to allow the mundane to be sacred.

While you have said that you need to step back from ritual, I feel that this week it is important that I perform just one "formalised" ritual. I am called to do so. This is an interesting concept... to do rituals just for the routine or to be called to them...Maybe this is part of how this weeks cards connect for me. Once upon a time I felt that I had to do "this and that, meet with this person and that person, live on a mountain in silent contemplation" that kind of life to be a mystic...however I feel that to be a true mystic I am invited to be REAL and MUNDANE. To have all 4 swords shown to me...to evaluate my past and to see new ideas in the present. The 4 of swords card feels as though it is inviting me to rest on my key sword and know that there are other swords that can make me feel out of balanced, however I have my key belief that will center me and keep focused even if the mundane does not seem mystical. Thank you dear one. 💖

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REAL and MUNDANE! 💖 I relate.

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