Okay...This is sooo synchronistic... As I was in the final touches of my post on the Star Card, I got the Star Card in my Month of July reading. What was the other tarot card I got? The King of Wands! My reading had two tarot cards, the other two were oracle cards. This energy is really welcomed in my life right now as you know!

I loved the referral to Indra’s net. I have always been fascinated by it for it is an incredible expression of the weaving of our world. How we all touch one another, how all of life affects everything! This is the perfect example of the networking archetype. Networking in that fullest sense is altruistic, motivated in bringing people and life together. Not for personal gain, but for the benefit of all. The KofW has a similar purpose. They are being of service. An example of what is like to live from one’s alchemic fires, passions and spiritual fervor. Having this ripple out across the net.

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Wow! I love this synchronicity, Julie! ❤️ I can't wait to hear what the two oracle cards were, but the Star and King of Wands feel like such beacons of support and hope and lightness...all the things I know you need right now. This kind of proof that the universe really is holding us always brings a tear to my eye.

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I just love these readings, Jenna, and they always resonate for me. Thank you for writing them, they are so well expressed!

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Oh thank you, Amayah! ❤️🤗❤️🤗

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For someone for whom “networking” is anathema, you have managed to lure me magically into the web, and the timing could not be better to look around in wonder at the other ones here. Thank you. 🙏

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As you know well, it's anathema for me too (at least the idea of networking among the living anyway). As I've been practicing the message of this pair this week, I've been seeing it deepen my perception of both the self as collective/community as well as how we can hold both the separated, individual self and the collective in an integrated way. Not transcending the separated self, but fully being that while simultaneously seeing through it to the collective. I think maybe this is the gift of the Networker and Indra's net in particular.

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Jun 30
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Thank you, Jock! ❤️🤗❤️

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