I love when I come to this post midweek and can see it reflected in my life - that sense of synchronicity is wonderful. I had a somatic healing session yesterday that focused on rebellion and choice. I hadn’t realized how deeply some of my parts are craving the space to make their own choice. Even if that means rebelling and stepping out of line!

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I see others here bring up the collective, I must agree, these two cards right now point in that direction. The ongoing conflict, the battles that do not end, the competition that demands a winner and a loser. This is a time for the rebel. For me personally that means seeing where this conflict shows up in my life. How do I perpetuate disagreement, strife and discord? What new perspective can I learn to see this from? How can I be more inclusive? How can I promote more win/win scenarios? What new innovative expression is called for here, to be and give it! This means stepping out of the box, the norm, taking risks, being authentically me.

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This is the third time this has come up for me in less than 1 week... your imagery really helps me understand my own story about where Im at and how did I get here? Brings clarity to the other messages. Lol Thank you! ❤️

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Rebellion is good, especially for this Star Wars fan. Sometimes, rebellion can be as simple as saying "no".

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I echo Donna. It does seem you’ve pulled and interpreted two cards tapped into the collective.

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I loved the description of this card. One of the things is suggests to me is competition, a kind of conflict that we must engage in at certain times of our lives.

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Reading this my thoughts do not go to the personal but the collective and where we are at this point in history. The message you brought us today is so applicable. However, there is the reminder to bring this energy home, to my own life, and put it under the microscope to see what needs to be done. Thanks Jenna❤️

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