Through the the Rescuer and the Sun, this week we’re being called to stop looking for what’s wrong and, instead, step into the light of clarity. Can we allow ourselves to be revitalized by the radiance of our own inner joy?
Welcome everyone! For an overview of what I’m doing here, please check out this post all about it. THANK YOU to all my subscribers! My heart and soul are filled with gratitude for your presence here. I LOVE this community that we are building! (If you’d like to support this work by making a one-time donation, you can buy me a cup of coffee here.❤️)
The Rescuer Archetype
The Rescuer is the embodiment of salvation and aid. Many of us are able to function in our day-to-day lives because of the sense of safety this archetype brings to society. The Rescuer lives prominently through people in occupations such as firefighters, police officers, 911 operators, EMTs and paramedics, nurses, etc. But the Rescuer can also be found within each one of us at certain moments of our lives. Characterized by a deep-seated desire to aid and protect, the Rescuer awakens during times of crisis to provide support, guidance and relief, seeking to alleviate suffering wherever they find it. They are gifted with the ability to remain level-headed and make quick decisions during times of chaos.
On the light side, the Rescuer is a type of guardian, offering a safe haven for those who are vulnerable or in distress. They embody the essence of altruism, going out of their way to help others without expecting anything in return. The Rescuer's magnanimity can inspire others to act with kindness and generosity, creating a ripple effect of goodwill. The Rescuer in the light understands that rescuing is not meant to be an ongoing endeavor, which could lead to dependency issues, but a service provided in a moment of crisis. In this way, the Rescuer in the light inspires trust, becoming a beacon of hope and stability. Their ability to remain calm and composed in emergencies makes them invaluable in times of need. They remind us of the power of kindness and the impact one individual can have on the lives of many.
The Rescuer in the shadow, however, can become overly enmeshed in the problems of others. They may derive their self-worth from their ability to save others, creating a cycle of dependency that can be harmful to both parties. They might also struggle with boundaries, often sacrificing their own well-being to help others. This can lead to burnout, resentment, and a sense of martyrdom. The shadow Rescuer might also feel compelled to intervene even when it's not necessary or appropriate. They might struggle with recognizing when their help is not wanted or needed, leading to intrusive or overbearing behavior.
When the Rescuer archetype appears in a reading, I believe it signifies a call to examine the balance between helping others and taking care of oneself. It encourages us to reflect on our motivations for offering assistance—are we providing support in a healthy and sustainable way, or are we overextending ourselves? The Rescuer reminds us to ensure that our efforts are truly supportive rather than enabling, and to balance compassion with self-care, recognizing that it is essential to also seek help for ourselves when needed.
Some questions to consider this week:
In what ways can you create healthy boundaries while still being supportive?
How can you practice self-care while also serving those in need?
Are you offering help out of genuine compassion, or are you seeking validation through your actions?
How can you support others in a way that empowers them rather than creating dependency?
The Sun
This card is dominated by the image of a brightly-shining sun that overlooks a garden of sunflowers through which a naked child rides a white horse. A vibrant red banner waves on the right side.
To me, the Sun is one of the most straightforward cards in the deck. The sun, being our primary source of light, illuminates everything and so there is nothing hidden or mysterious here. It is the energy of the sun. It is vibrancy and joy and clarity.
I believe that when the Sun comes up in a reading, we’re being asked how we can shine. What is our most authentic self that wants to be expressed after we’ve come out of the shadows or released a layer of shame? How can we let ourselves light up from within and truly come alive?
How does this pair work together?
Here I see the Rescuer rushing into the garden, believing the child on horseback to be in danger. As they jump in to save the child, they notice the giant shadow they’ve cast across the entire scene.
The rays of the Sun reach out and tap the Rescuer on the shoulder saying, “It’s okay to let go of the burden of seeing life as a problem always in need of fixing.”
Realizing their folly, the Rescuer steps aside then turns towards the Sun, coming to understand that filling themselves with joy was the way they needed to rescue themselves all along.
I believe this is our task this week: Can we stop looking for what’s wrong, or what needs rescuing, and instead turn towards the simple, shining joys of our lives?
I can’t wait to discuss all of this with you! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or by sending me a direct message.
Thank you! Your timing is impeccable as always 😊
I love the idea of joy being the path to self-rescue. So glad Bertus pointed me in your direction, Jenna.