Well! This is funny since I've been tasked to get our tax records pulled together by the end of next week and I absolutely hate doing it ;)

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😂 I had forgotten (or buried my head in the sand) about taxes when I wrote this post. Now I want to go back and rewrite it from that point of view. Okay everyone, put down your wands, but instead of picking up a pen, pick up a flame thrower. This week is all about torching our records so we don't have to deal with taxes. Lol.

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I feel like the 10ofW lately. Holding too tight while at the same time spreading myself too thin. The wands for me represent my passion, the fires in my belly and my "spiritual" longings. Wand energy is not something to try to control, hold onto, or force in a direction. The 10ofW is all about attempting to do that. A good thing that the pendulum swings. That after a tight grip there is only one place to go and that is an open hand. More receptivity. Cycles change, like here at the spring equinox, a birthing is at hand. And the Scribe in me takes note! Writing, journaling, tarot readings... all are means to explore what I am moving through. I feel at a precipice. Time to be The Fool and jump!

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Oh, Julie, I feel so excited now! Yes! Time to be the Fool and jump. I LOVE that! The Wands Guy dropped all those wands and then instead of collapsing in exhaustion, he skips to the edge of the cliff and becomes the Fool. This fills me with delight! I also really loved this sentence of yours: That after a tight grip there is only one place to go and that is an open hand. THAT is a visual that will stay with me. Thank you so much for all this goodness!

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Perfect message as always Jenna, I was hanging on every word this week! I have definitely been holding too many wands, but through sheer overwhelm I've begun to drop them and things are easing because of that, no surprise there! Recording is an interesting one for me. I know the power of the written word and I think for this reason I am reluctant to put pen to paper for my own purpose. I have no problem and prefer to do it for other people. Something to explore there...........Thank you!

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I'm in this same boat, Louise. I've put journaling for myself on such a back burner, I can hardly even see it now. But there's a little glimmer of memory for me that in those times when I would write for myself, I was actually creating a deep well from which I could draw words to write for others. Sadly, my well is just about dry. This week's message is really nudging me to prioritize that once again. And I'm sending you a big hug to support you through overwhelm. I see us holding each other up this way! ❤️

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Oh I would love you to start writing for yourself again Jenna, it feels like an act of self love. It reminds me that I used to love writing stories when I was younger. Making up characters and sending them on adventures. I briefly picked it up again a while ago and then life got in the way. Maybe we can give each other that nudge to do it just for us. 🙏💫❤️

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Thank you so much Jenna! This was exactly what I needed today (no surprise) and I appreciate it.

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Any invitation to slow down and turn inwards is absolutely fine with me 🙌🏻

I really love that you shared the whole story of the Wands here and how it leads to the ten being the way it is. We don’t need to do everything alone; we can ask for help, whether that’s from our inner selves through journaling, a trusted friend, or spirit.

Another beautiful post, thank you x

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Thank you so much, Kerry! ❤️❤️❤️

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So interesting Jenna - definitely makes me reflective. For myself, this feels like a callout about social media and the pressure to use it to try and “make” something of my creativity. I feel like a shadow side of the Scribe could be the urge to make our lives into content, the need to “document” everything so that we can post about it online. This is a big reminder to set down that perceived burden and focus more on the passion behind the art, not the marketing of it.

Thank you as always for these insights! They’re so valuable ✨

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Oh wow, Kerani, incredible insight! Recording everything for the sake of making content feels exactly like shadow Scribe territory. That message speaks right to me. My own personal journaling has taken such a backseat to producing content lately. I'm going to take this to heart this week. Thank you so much! ❤️

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I really feel this and it’s been something I’ve been actively working to shift over the past few months. I got in the ‘habit’ of sharing my entire life on social media to seem authentic and real… but it somehow made my life feel less sacred. So I am now much more intentional and discerning about what I post and it feels so good!

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Ooof "less sacred" - that hits home! It's such a delicate line, because sharing personal stuff online can be a wonderful way to connect with others and forge relationships. But it's definitely fuzzy trying to keep boundaries around it. I know that I've had to just get used to listening to my gut on what feels ok to share and what doesn't. I don't post about my relationship for example. There are somethings that I want to just keep for myself, you know? I don't have to give them to others.

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Absolutely, and I so agree with all that you said. I love sharing online but I’m not much more discerning and intentional about it. It’s such a fine line and those boundaries can only really be defined with experience and sensing into what feels good or not. I used to be so open about my mothering journey until someone copied my account and used pictures of my daughter. It terrified me so I rarely share that part of my life now. What a crazy ride this all is 🤪

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I hear you, Kerry! Authenticity was a big huge theme for me too. And then a good friend of mine helped me see the value in "keeping my words close" (the phrase she used and I fell in love with). Like you said, it feels so good to make that choice. In fact, I'm thinking about some day writing a post about this idea of keeping my words close...which feels like some kind of funny irony, I suppose. 😁

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Such a beautiful phrase, I adore that. I see the irony 😆 but at the same time, I suppose it’s more about being intentional about the words we do share. Looking forward to reading that post when the time is right xx

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Very synchronous. I'm going back to the coast this week to cat sit for my friend, and my agenda is collaging and journaling and reading lots of fiction. There will also be a trip to the beach that week. 😁

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Oh, Victoria, that sounds AMAZING! I can't even imagine a better week than that. Enjoy the heck out of it, my friend! ❤️

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This week and every week 😉

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Yes! Cheers to that! ❤️

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Dearest Jenna,

This is exactly what I needed to hear to this morning thank you. Just to take the "week off" per say, and go inward with my writing. Not to plan just yet. To let the tide gently come in and out and be in the moment. It is also the week of the equinox (Spring for you, Autumn for me) and I find this week a week of find what gives me balance.

I will use your messages here to allow the scribe in me to reflect and to write what she needs to in line with what she already knows in this moments and breathe out...As you said " I think this week we’re being asked to let our wand re-charge—to not strive for anything on our own—and take a deep dive into journaling and reflection."

Thankyou dear one xxx

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Thank you, Sam! I love the image of the tide coming in and out, and just witnessing that. That feels so calming. And I had forgotten that this is equinox week! 🤗 But, yes, you are so right that this message of the Scribe and Ten of Wands feels so in line with that, with that feeling of balance. I love that reminder, thank you!

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Wow Jenna, I especially love this: "As the story progresses, though, something shifts. Slowly, the “wands person” stops seeing the wand as a tool of connection and, instead, they start to believe it is solely up to them to generate and maintain a sense of purpose."

And this, "Maybe we’ve forgotten the true gift of the wand, and that ‘enthusiasm’ means ‘the gods within’."

And I love the pairing of these two, and for me, the takeaway is to remember that the archetype of the scribe/a writer is about being the conduit and enjoying the connections that form between reader and writer. And not to get bogged down with the wrong intention for the wands ("Forgetting to trust in the true source of passion, they keep picking up more wands, believing that they have to make things happen for themself; that their fulfillment is up to them alone.") and to put down the burden and remember to enjoy the process and the connections.

Thanks so much Jenna!

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Yes, Camilla, the call to "enjoy the process"...I LOVE that! ❤️ To not get bogged down in the "have to's" where we lose the sense of magic entirely. And then, as you suggest, to become the conduit that connects writer and reader. That's beautiful. Thank you so much for that insight!

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Gratitude and love bouncing back to you too❤️🙏🕊 one thing my Dad used to say that I love, "Screw 'should'!"😆

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Would it be too much striving to start the taxes this week? It’s a good job for the Scribe. :-)

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For me, taxes would definitely fall under the striving Scribe umbrella. But I have heard legends of mythical beings who love doing their taxes and get a real sense of relaxation and fulfillment out of it. Perhaps you're one of these magical creatures?

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Haha. I will see if I can rub sticks together and make magic with no striving. 😬🤞🏼

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