Explore the powerful pairing of The Sovereign and The Eight of Swords in this week's archetype and tarot post. Discover how to reclaim your sovereignty, dispel illusions of limitation, and find practical ways to embody choice and personal freedom.
Jenna I too love this pairing as the place to start. How can I be truly be sovereign if I have not self-examined. Understanding what I believe and how those beliefs support or deter my expression of life. Sometimes though I feel I examine too much! Where the eight of swords truly becomes double edged! Yet the "key" is I always have the lock and the means to undo it within. I feel I have been holding tight lately, so this is a good message to hear!
WOW!!!! This is soooo incredibly powerful Jenna. It is powerful for me personally at this time as I am releasing and moving into a more sovereign stage of my life, and it is important for us as a collective...to honour the limitations, the illusions and to ask, where can I move out of this into a space of honesty, integrity and self care.
Thank you, Sam! 💖 I really loved that the 8 of swords came up as the first pairing with the Sovereign. As we start our journey into sovereignty, we must first really look at what stands in the way of it. Whether it's our own illusions or more tangible obstacles, the only way to the other side is to take off the blindfold and truly see them. It's been an eye opening week for me for sure! Mostly, as it turns out, I stand in my own way when it comes to sovereignty and I'm so grateful to be able to see that now. I'm also SO grateful to be walking this path with you, my sweet, magical, wise, amazing sister!
I woke in the early hours, feeling 8 of Swords oppression and confusion - the nighttime overwhelm. Was tickled and relieved to find ALL of this Magick just sitting here - oh no, DANCING here - sparkling and singing here, capturing my attention and redirecting! This archetypal theme and opening card are timely guides. Thank you! 💖
My Romy!🤗💖🤗 Oh, I just love the image of this post dancing and singing its way into your early morning hours—what a beautiful way to describe that shift from the weight of the 8 of Swords into something more spacious and alive. I’m so glad these themes and this card arrived right on time for you. Sending love and a little extra sparkle your way! 💛✨
Wow, Jenna - the 8 of swords does seem to be the ideal pairing to start off this exploration of the Sovereign. I love how you put it: "If the Eight of Swords tells the story of perceived limitations, the Sovereign is the answer." I can really relate to the way in which my "8 of swords" tendencies pull me into learned helplessness, like a fly getting stuck in a web of limiting beliefs and delusions of powerlessness. Enter the Sovereign...bubbling up from the deepest center of self, to restore perspective and remind us of choices. So grateful for that you're giving is an opportunity this month to cultivate that central sturdiness. So timely! When I did the sovereign ritual today (thank you again for that!), the feeling in my body was a sturdy knowing that the flame of the sovereign is always there, never extinguished. Like the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
Hi Keith! 🤗 I love the way you described the 8 of Swords—like a fly getting stuck in a web of limiting beliefs and delusions of powerlessness. That imagery is so visceral and so real. And yes, the Sovereign arrives to remind us that even within that web, we are never truly without choice. Yay! I’m so glad the ritual resonated and that you could feel that sturdy knowing in your body, that the flame is always there, unwavering. How absolutely wonderful! That eternal flame metaphor is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this—it’s such a gift to me to witness your reflections! 💖
Jenna I too love this pairing as the place to start. How can I be truly be sovereign if I have not self-examined. Understanding what I believe and how those beliefs support or deter my expression of life. Sometimes though I feel I examine too much! Where the eight of swords truly becomes double edged! Yet the "key" is I always have the lock and the means to undo it within. I feel I have been holding tight lately, so this is a good message to hear!
WOW!!!! This is soooo incredibly powerful Jenna. It is powerful for me personally at this time as I am releasing and moving into a more sovereign stage of my life, and it is important for us as a collective...to honour the limitations, the illusions and to ask, where can I move out of this into a space of honesty, integrity and self care.
Thank you. x
Thank you, Sam! 💖 I really loved that the 8 of swords came up as the first pairing with the Sovereign. As we start our journey into sovereignty, we must first really look at what stands in the way of it. Whether it's our own illusions or more tangible obstacles, the only way to the other side is to take off the blindfold and truly see them. It's been an eye opening week for me for sure! Mostly, as it turns out, I stand in my own way when it comes to sovereignty and I'm so grateful to be able to see that now. I'm also SO grateful to be walking this path with you, my sweet, magical, wise, amazing sister!
Brilliant pairing for the Sovereign. I love how this unfolded and it reminds me of my journey into owning my sovereignty.
Thank you so much, MacFinnian! 🤗💖 I really couldn’t have imagined a more perfect start to our Sovereign journey. I’m so glad it was the 8 of Swords!
I woke in the early hours, feeling 8 of Swords oppression and confusion - the nighttime overwhelm. Was tickled and relieved to find ALL of this Magick just sitting here - oh no, DANCING here - sparkling and singing here, capturing my attention and redirecting! This archetypal theme and opening card are timely guides. Thank you! 💖
My Romy!🤗💖🤗 Oh, I just love the image of this post dancing and singing its way into your early morning hours—what a beautiful way to describe that shift from the weight of the 8 of Swords into something more spacious and alive. I’m so glad these themes and this card arrived right on time for you. Sending love and a little extra sparkle your way! 💛✨
Wow, Jenna - the 8 of swords does seem to be the ideal pairing to start off this exploration of the Sovereign. I love how you put it: "If the Eight of Swords tells the story of perceived limitations, the Sovereign is the answer." I can really relate to the way in which my "8 of swords" tendencies pull me into learned helplessness, like a fly getting stuck in a web of limiting beliefs and delusions of powerlessness. Enter the Sovereign...bubbling up from the deepest center of self, to restore perspective and remind us of choices. So grateful for that you're giving is an opportunity this month to cultivate that central sturdiness. So timely! When I did the sovereign ritual today (thank you again for that!), the feeling in my body was a sturdy knowing that the flame of the sovereign is always there, never extinguished. Like the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
Hi Keith! 🤗 I love the way you described the 8 of Swords—like a fly getting stuck in a web of limiting beliefs and delusions of powerlessness. That imagery is so visceral and so real. And yes, the Sovereign arrives to remind us that even within that web, we are never truly without choice. Yay! I’m so glad the ritual resonated and that you could feel that sturdy knowing in your body, that the flame is always there, unwavering. How absolutely wonderful! That eternal flame metaphor is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this—it’s such a gift to me to witness your reflections! 💖