Love this Jenna! As I consider this pairing, I feel the need to "let the ache of grief be our guide." just as you said. The beauty, medicine and healing lies in the grief. Moving through it like the river. Not turning to thievery to fix and relieve the pain which only steals away our moments to be present with what is. That rejection has a feel of addiction to it. Interesting that at the root of both of them, there is a longing to feel better. The difference is one is about closing down and taking, rather than entering, receiving and moving with the sadness, loss and grief. The prior, I question how can one really absorb when one is grabbing at the water. The latter, the hand is open in the water feeling the grace and beauty of flow. As I reflect, I do both of these movements. Though, learning to receive my moments more and more, no matter how they are showing up.

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Wow, this is profound, Julie, thank you! I love the image of the hand grabbing at the water versus the hand feeling the flow. I think I take baby steps towards receiving all the moments in their fullness. Sometimes, I'm not certain I have the capacity for all of it and then sometimes I know I do (which reminds me of the Strength card and the 8s and bringing it all back to that again!) 🤗

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Beautiful Jenna. I feel as though I have been given a choice...do I choose to be in LACK or do I choose to CONNECT to the Greater Source? Do I choose to take away from myself the beauty of what I have (due to self sabotage) or do I Connect to the Beauty within myself and let that flow in the River and know that I am part of the River and no matter what side of the bridge I am standing I am still a part of the Greater Source.

A beautiful moment in time for me...as I consider what I have taken from myself and others, from Mother Earth as well, and then ponder what I can give back in my knowing of the DEEPER TREASURES that live within myself, the Earth and others.

Thank you, dear one. ✨💖💫

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So beautiful, my dear friend! Your words here remind me of a delightful song I heard the other day and in the chorus the words say: "Receive the fullness, Give what's mine to give." For me, this would be a valuable message to write on every wall in my home so that I'd see all the time. Receive the fullness and give what's mine to give. To not overgive...to not steal from myself in order to give what's not mine to give. And to also not be stingy, but to give freely what is mine to give. And underlying all of that is to receive fully, all that Life sends my way. Thank you for your wisdom and amazing guidance with this pair of the Thief and Five of Cups! ❤️

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