Saved. This evening is full.

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Thanks, Claire! If you get any amazing insights, please do share! ❤️

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Sep 16Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Hypocrisy, irony, paradox and Ambiguity are the trickiest aspects of life. 😉

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I so agree! And as I read your list, I also think about how these same things really do teach us so much about relationship.

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Oh so easy to see that list in others.

A bit harder to see in our selves.


I will add ambivalence to the list.

Can you give example of how hypocrisy, irony, paradox and ambiguity teach about relationships?

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Ohhh the trickster energy. The 7ofS has always had a feel of the trickster for me. Cause you can never be totally sure what they are doing. And it can change depending on what cards surround it. Giving it that ephemeral and mercurial feel, along with different ideas to consider. Jenna I loved your exploration of the trickster. I so related to this after writing a post on the trickster and then with my post on the Devil which I included that as well. Then as we move towards the equinox and Mabon, the season is changing, the call of the dark is getting louder, the trickster is making itself known!

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Yes! I thought the timing was perfect for Trickster to announce himself this week too. As the seasons change, I can hear the Trickster shouting, "Here I come!" possibly throwing planets into retrograde and causing eclipses along the way. 😆 I got some news over the weekend that threw me for a loop so I haven't read the Devil yet, but I can't wait to get to it!❤️

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No worries, I hope all is okay!?! ❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 16Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Thank you for this brilliant insight Jenna. It shines the light deep into our psyche, asking us to look around.

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Thank you so much, Donna! I hope it's shining a nice, kind, gentle sort of light for you. ❤️

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Sep 16Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

"As soon as something feels like a shadow trait, I hear the Trickster whispering, 'Are you sure? Perhaps it’s a light trait in disguise.'" My own inner Trickster delighted in this line. The awful ambiguity! The space-opening norm-breaking of it all!

I'm an Enneagram Type 7 and I see a lot of the Type 7 energy in both of these cards. I carry a lot of "Well let's just TRY" energy because I don't like being stuck. I would much rather fail at trying a new thing than be stuck in old patterns. But like you see with the Seven of Swords, there is a certain chaos there. Just grab whatever swords we can carry and let's see what happens when we try!

I'm appreciating that last question (of yes, so many questions, love that you pointed that out) the most. An Enneagram Type 7 is said to "go to 1" in stress, meaning that I reach toward the more self-disciplined, controlled, high-standards aspects of Self when I'm not experiencing or offering enough space to myself. Carrying five swords instead of trying to juggle all seven swords at once, while holding lots of wide-open space to make it all up and try whatever seems best in the moment sounds like the setup to a really great week.

Also - please write about the numbers more! I really appreciate whenever someone dips into the wider context of the tarot, framed within the developmental cycle that it presents, instead of focusing just on that individual card. It helps me understand how the tarot cards are speaking to me about my own path, like signposts indicating each of the stops along the way as we cycle through life.

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HI Jenna! 🤗 I LOVE your happy take on this week's message! Carrying the swords in moderation but also with enough fluidity to just TRY and see what happens does, indeed, sound like a great week! In my personal life, right as this post was published, I got a bomb of news dropped right in my lap. It was like I could hear the Trickster saying, "Here, catch!" as he tossed me five swords with the pointy ends towards me. He and I have been mining shadows and holding lots of paradox ever since. I'm still waiting for the fun part, but certain it's coming any time now. Lol!

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Sep 16Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Oh I’m gonna have to sit with this one! That question of “what is enough” really struck me

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Thanks, Kerani! It's such a potent question for me too. I've been thinking a lot about the force of desire and how fulfillment plays into all of it. So now I'm adding to that the contemplation of enough. How do I even recognize it (whether I'm thinking about myself as enough or something else)?

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My primary guide is a trickster (pan). I totally vibe with this. He takes good care of me, tho. A lot of shadow work with him.

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Yes! (Hi Pan! 🤗) You are so good at welcoming the shadow work. That's an inspiration to me!

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I just posted the shadow-iest of shadow work on the Death card. I think you'll find it interesting, Jenna. AND a newly created tarot spread for this work.

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