I've been extremely befuddled having 'Justice' show up intensely throughout a Tarot reading week... and I - of course given my own guiding words - senses it's role in my current status of living and what I am working diligently in creating for myself... yet,

Your ideology.... wherein Justice and the Warrior present themselves unified in actions - "the Warrior in the light fights FOR something rather than against" - as is so common to place the warrior in the position of 'offense' for some enemy against the virtues a (healthy) warrior lives for.

Yet, if removing the identity of enemy in mind/state - and let live the warrior for the cultivation of battle IN the creation of [something] - I feel can bring a holistic sense to "both sides of the battle" - ie: that there is a connect between opposing forces, and a rightly-lightly focused Warrior can stand between them and bring both complexities into the higher understandings between the opposing forces.

"To fight for the Balancing Justice of the World"

That goes to say, there are still 'very powerful evils' in the world - that will continue to instigate the injustices of [said world]... so - in opposition of those forces - the long winded question: What can be created [within current strength] to build up those on the desecrated 'border of being' - and uplift them to where their Dharma can be expressed - wherein, allowing reflection for the overpowering to themselves?

The concept... that the tools of 'the system' can be used to destroy [said system]. Use that which destroys Us - to destroy itself...


And to finish... re-bringing to mind the role of the warrior- to protect the outer walls of [the castle] so - the lovers, initiates, magic workers, gardeners - can cultivate the [inner garden]. We must, at the least, know HOW to defend the inner sanctum...

“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”

― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

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Hi Jacob! Thank you for all of this incredible, deep insight! One thing that came to mind when I was reading your words was the Law of Three. I believe this is originally attributed to Gurdjieff, but I first read about it in a book by Cynthia Bourgeault. She says:

“Every phenomenon, at whatever scale (from the subatomic to the cosmic)…arises from the interaction of three independent forces. These are variously known as ‘affirming’ ‘denying’ and ‘reconciling’, or sometimes simply ‘first’ ‘second’ and ‘third.’”

The labels of “affirming” “denying” and “reconciling” are much more nuanced than they might first appear. To me, this isn’t about opposing forces necessarily, rather the main point is that whenever two things come together a third force is needed to help them combine into something new.

I like to picture this as two cables coming towards each other. On their own, they can’t really do much but bump into one another. But when a pair of invisible hands (the third force) comes along, the two cables can be woven together into something new.

After reading your insights, I can now imagine the Warrior as the third force. And, wow, this is such a perspective shift for me.

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Happy to hear! As a light note... from my mythic mentor Michael Meade - on this 'Third Element' - particularly within stories of conflict... wherein, two modules of being/action is worked towards 'resolution', typically with no results, because - they are the already-known or expected path to accomplishment... so, some 'mysterious third force' comes to aid in directing the course of events... (as there is no true resolution, only the carrying on of the story-at-work)

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I have been sitting with this one, as I often do with your posts, wondering about my relationship with each of these: warrior and justice. Like you, I have struggled with the warrior archetype, which tells me to look around for some shadow hiding in the corner. I see from your reflections, discipline and perseverance, and it would seem to me that justice cannot be served, i.e., balance cannot *be* without the mitigating force of discipline . . . putting up guard rails when we might otherwise drift or glide off.

Of course, then, these two were pulled in combination this week.

Now I am in harmony with the warrior. 🥰

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I'm so glad you found harmony with the warrior. Reading the comments here has really helped me to that end too. And your image of "putting up guard rails when we might otherwise drift or glide off" adds an even more expansive view for me. I'd been thinking of warrior and defense, but it was hard for me to not think of defense in terms of defending against something. The way you've put it here, that the act of defense is about keeping us on track, is exactly the way I needed to see this. Thank you for your wisdom once again. Some day I will write a book of the ten million ways Renee's wisdom has enriched my life. So grateful for you, my friend. ❤️❤️❤️

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Your comment just flickered a light, and for this, I am immensely grateful. You may recall that in my Gebser talk last year, I commented that our view of the immune system as a system of defense is a Mental structure construct. The insight comes in reading your comment that the Warrior archetype may provide a conceptual framework (i.e., a way of speaking about it) perhaps for exploration. 🙏 Mutual gratitude, dear friend. ❤️❤️❤️

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"Caroline Myss (from whom I first learned about archetypes) has said that “as long as there is war within any one of us, there will be war in the world.”

No wonder there are endless wars over time.

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Jenna, first thanks for inclusion in your post! And wow, this is an incredibly powerful combo! For me after listening to The Emerald podcast on Justice, this speaks deeply to me. Joshua also brought the Bhagavad Gita into it, going into great depth. I too have spent quite a while studying this incredible excerpt from the Mahabharata, even later teaching it. It is an amazing study on dharma, balance and karma. Understanding that even though things might not look fair, it can still be just.

This combo here of the Warrior and Justice matches this epic tale beautifully. Arjuna is the perfect warrior for he did not want to fight, he was reluctant. But he did it for dharma and balance as you stated. Fighting at times is necessary when standing up for what you love, and there is the sacred rage! For me at times I need to put my warrior on. Especially when I find myself in challenging situations where all I want to do is collapse. The warrior teaches me to persevere, to have faith even though this might not resolve the way I want it to. Trusting that in the end it is exactly where I need to be.

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Thank you, Julie! And thank you for recommending the Emerald podcast to me. I've been listening to the Justice episode in 15 or 20 minute pieces and it's phenomenal. I haven't yet gotten to the Bhagavad Gita part and now I can't wait to hear what he says about it. I know I mentioned it in the post and in our last call, but, truly, thank you for introducing me to the idea of sacred rage. It has profoundly changed my relationship with the Warrior energy. ❤️

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Pushing through to find the balance, that's the perfect message for me Jenna. Rather than pushing through to perfection. Doing whatever it takes to bring myself to a place of peace. xx

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This is beautiful, Louise...pushing through to find the balance, rather than to find perfection. That really reframes the whole idea of pushing through for me. As always, thank you for your wisdom and insight! ❤️

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I also don’t resonate with the warrior energy (which might need looking at as I’m an Aries moon!) but when you break it down… the warrior is fighting for justice and for what is fair and true. So whilst I do believe this is about balance, I also think it’s about playing around with tipping those scales, by pushing through or persevering in certain areas we usually wouldn’t, to see where our centre and boundaries lie.

It also feels poignant that this has come up during Aries season, when the volume is turned up on this energy anyway!

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I love this, Kerry, thank you! I completely agree. I just replied to Jenna's comment below that it feels like the message here, specifically for me, might be to get more in touch with the reactive, instinctual parts of me (instead of always staying in my center). This brings up all kinds of thoughts and questions for me. Like, how much do I allow a fear of consequences to make decisions for me?

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I'm an Aries sun, with Mercury and Venus both in Aries. I recently attended an online lecture with astrologer Amanda Moreno titled "Aries + Wielding the Survival Instinct", because I want to learn how to love and appreciate these fiery fighting aspects of Self. I am very fierce, and I am very passionate, and if my boundaries are crossed it's very easy for me to become hijacked by my reactions and feelings in the situation. A few notes I made during that lecture:

-Aries is oriented to instinct, not conscious thought

-The things that are meaningful are worth fighting for

-Aries learns through challenge and confrontation

Funny story that illustrates this Warrior energy that is also a little hard for me to accept in myself: I hosted an egg hunt party the last weekend in March. As the kid ran around the property I realized that some of the kids were opening the eggs to see what was inside and then abandoning the plastic eggs where they found them. I immediately roared out to all of them "DO NOT leave those plastic eggs behind, take them with you, or you won't be invited back next year."

When it comes to my anger and fighting, I'm very good at making clear what is important to me.

For me, the balance is found in the pause. If I can slow down enough then my reactivity becomes responsiveness. That figure in the Justice card definitely looks like they are in the middle of a pause, carefully evaluating. I'm working with the High Priestess card lately, and the concept of "portals" has been coming to mind.

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Wow, this is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing this, Jenna! What amazing insight. Aries and the Warrior being oriented to instinct, my gosh that makes so much sense. A warrior needs those instincts. I think maybe my natural tendency is the opposite. I'm pretty good at the pause, at not reacting. BUT I'm always in this murky place of not knowing what I really want or what's meaningful to me in a given moment. I'm definitely not the person anyone wants if a quick decision needs to be made. I envy your ability to know what's important and express that. Given that, then, I think for me the balance is in letting loose my instinctual nature. Again, thank you for this! I feel so much more clarity already. 🤗

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“The things that are meaningful are worth fighting for”

This is beautiful and has offered me so much in such a simple statement, thank you for sharing all of this!

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Yes, me too, Kerry! I found that tremendously helpful!

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Hi Jenna, thank you not only for the shout out, but as usual, this Archetype and Tarot post resonates deeply with me. I remember the same ambivalent feelings about being a warrior when we studied the Bhagavad Gita in interfaith seminary, but now I completely identify with being a spiritual warrior for the Divine Feminine in a patriarchal culture gone mad and out of balance with Mother Earth.

Please know in your heart how meaningful these posts are to me. Even if I don't get the time to respond immediately, I hope you believe and trust your own dharma of offering your wisdom in the world. With gratitude in my heart, sending blessings to you✨🌟💖🙏

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"A spiritual warrior for the Divine Feminine"...that gave me chills, Camilla! ❤️ I really love that. And thank you so much for your kind words here. Please don't ever feel pressured to respond. I'm so grateful to you for this reminder to trust in my dharma. I needed that today. 🤗

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Hi Jenna, I just read this, that I love and thought you may find interesting:

"The concept of the spiritual Warrior has been pioneered by Dan Millman (The Peaceful Warrior), the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa (Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior), Professor Robert Thurman, and others. They direct us to use the classic Warrior virtues of heroism, stoicism, and self-sacrifice to conquer the ego and gain control of our inner lives."

Myss, Caroline. Sacred Contracts (p. 364). Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

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I like this combination. The warrior and Justice. I like what you said about the warrior going backwards and forward balancing the scales. Creating a life of truth and honour, integrity and love.

Thank you Jenna. A powerful and wise read. 🙏

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Thank you so much, Sam! ❤️

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Right now the Warrior brings up the need to be strong about something that is important to me. I feel unable to stay on this path when I'm met with obstacle after obstacle which frustrates me because it shouldn't have to BE this way, haha!! I also find it hard to stay the course when I am pushed to be uncomfortable.

The Justice card is reminding me to hold my center when I badly want something to happen. Today it's reminding me to surrender and know that it will all balance out in the end.

A great essay, thank you Jenna❤

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Yes! I so resonate with this, Donna! It SHOULDN'T be so hard and I don't want to fight my way to fulfillment (and yes, that is as bratty as it sounds 😁). I like that you bring the idea of surrender here. That speaks to the fight again and raising the white flag, but not because of defeat but rather from knowing there is something "more". I love this, thank you!

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The shadow warrior ... a 'power mix-up' ~ Yes!

The root of the word 'war' means "to confuse, mix up"

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That makes so much sense, thank you Veronika!

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This combo, initially, makes me tired. I am tired of fighting my head and my body. But underneath this is the warrior. I fight to feel better, be better. The survival instinct kicks in at some point to do what is needed, and what is right. This has been echoing in my head for a little while - and my hypnosis session today will hopefully shed some light on what direction to go.

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I SO get this, Erica! My initial reaction is to feel tired too. And then I also get angry about it. Like, I want life to stop giving us situations where we feel like we need to fight. Can't it just be smooth and easy? But then, like you, on the other side of that I'm really glad for the warrior energy that keeps me going when I want to throw in the towel.

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