I've often heard the theory that the Divine created humanity so that it could have someone to love. I never questioned that notion, until I studied A Course In Miracles. Let me be clear, I respect you, your guides, and your wisdom and it is not my intention to convince or persuade you of my ideas! I love your piece here and especially the emotional impact of your words. I find it significant to distinguish between the two ideas- God created us as a separate entity, and the ideas the Course provides: The Divine and Us are ONE- and we decided to believe in separation because we wanted to experience what that would be like. It's a fundamental shift in perception. Growing up in the church, I heard the Garden of Eden story many times. The "blame" was put on Eve, the snake, the tree.." Never was I taught that we were not kicked out of the garden, but that we left because we believed what the Course calls the "Tiny Mad Idea:" that we were separate from our Creator. This idea that we are One not only with all other human beings but also with the Source that created us is a monumental shift in perception that changes everything. If we ARE ONE- then "reunion" is more of an illusion than a reality because in reality we can never be anything but One. Obviously our bodies can die and be separate from other bodies, but we are not our bodies. We all dream of seeing our dearly departed loved ones again. I can't wait to see all my cats again! What intrigues me even more deeply is when we will be "reunited" with our perceived enemies, when all humankind falls in love with each other again in one Universal cosmic embrace and we wake up to the realization that this whole thing has been a projection of fear, a nightmare. It's a mysterious thing to ponder that 'Only the love is real", as Jesus claims in the Course. I certainly can't explain that- in light of what I see in our world, but I'm counting on those words to be true, and in the meantime, I'm taking it on faith. Believing in love feels like a better bet than believing in hatred , division, and fear. Tale care and thank you for your beautiful worlds and ideas!
Hi Susy! Thank you so much for sharing these thoughtful insights. I love A Course in Miracles! It played a huge part in my own personal healing journey.❤️ I completely agree that we are all one (not just humans and God, but everything, it's all ONE). For me, the separation, or perception of separation is part on the oneness. It's like the contracting and relaxing of a muscle. Still part of the oneness of the body, just functioning differently in different circumstances. One of my favorite sacred texts is the Sefer Yetzirah and it continually speaks of the multiplicity in unity, and the unity in multiplicity. That really resonates for me. At least right now anyway, I believe in both immanence and transcendence...God is both the physical (the body) and the non-physical/spiritual. Both are equally sacred. I've long believed that we know we're dealing with the Divine when we encounter paradox, because God is complete (so God is something as well as its opposite). You wrote so beautifully about reuniting with our enemies, and I think that points to the work of holding paradox. It's something I aim for (and am very curious about), but often miss the mark. Thank you again for bringing A Course of Miracles to the conversation! I think I'll revisit it. ❤️❤️❤️
I have a feeling if we met we could talk for hours and hours :) ! I've been grappling and pondering with these kinds of ideas my entire life. Jesus says in the Course "I Am not my body, I Am free, I Am as God created me."~ And I have thought about this for years. What does it truly mean, and how do I live IN this body, knowing it is not "ME?" The only thing that seems to be super simple and consistent is the centrality and omnipotence of LOVE. Love and forgiveness is at the core of everything; all my study and growth. Take care and keep writing! Love, Susy
I agree! We could spend hours in delightful conversation! 🤗 💕 I've been thinking a lot about the quote you posted (I am not my body, I am free...) and, like you, wondering what it means and how does my paradigm fit with it, etc. I even went to Course in Miracles to look up the corresponding lesson. This is something I will be pondering for a long time. I don't have any answers, but I think there's something about the idea (at least for me) of being the steward of my body. This body is the collective of so many things, and the consciousness that I seem to identify with rests here (at least occasionally) and I can be the steward of this sacred place. In any case, exactly as you say, Love is the core of everything. It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Blessings to you, friend! Thank you for bringing all this for me to contemplate!
I love the way you ponder! :) I've done a very deep dive into all the channeled works of Jesus. He dictated the Course, and other works too- The I AM Discourses, and 2 books in the 90's that directly relate to the teachings of the Course that make is so much easier to understand and apply to daily life. Journey Beyond Words, and The Other Voice were dictated by Jesus to Brent Haskell, and studying them has filled me with a deeper level of joy and awakening. For me it is so exciting and enlivening because I come from a more fundamental church background. Delving deeply into the teachings of the mystics, and discovering the mystical teachings of Jesus has been an incredible inward journey!! For me, it's all about the inner life- and merging it with the 3D world is where it gets tricky, like a puzzle that I keep trying to complete. Take good care of yourself, so nice to connect with you. You're what the Course calls a "Mighty Companion" and I appreciate you very much.
Jenna, your epiphany brought me to my knees as well, so to speak. Wiping away some profound tears as I collect myself. Thank you for sharing your vision. It has awakened new awareness in me. I feel broken open. I am seeing future goodbyes that I know are ahead of me, and I feel the enormous grief that is also so completely full of the Other’s love returning back inward. I have seen the torus many times; I have seen the fractal many times, but I never saw how they were connected. Now I see (and feel) the fractal, connected nature of things from the heart, and I know it is Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏
Oh my goodness, Kathryn, thank YOU! Thank you for sharing this experience with me, with us. ❤️ The image you had of the Other's love returning back inward is exquisite. I can't tell you how much it means to me that this message touched you this way. Thank you so much for being here!
I can’t believe I nearly missed this Jenna, it is so beautiful and I love how you have explained this, it’s such a perfect example of why we need the two sides of everything because how can we experience one without the other. It is our own choice as to how long we sit in each side, we have that control, which feels both beautiful and blissful. Thank you. 🙏💫
Oh, Louise, your insight into us having the choice of how long we sit in each side is wonderful. That feels like true empowerment. Thank you so much for this! ❤️
Thank you, but your language is very gorgeous. I like your unrestrained curious thinking, which you expressed in the polka dot birds story. I think separation weakens as dimensions change because we've battled with the negative patterns within. Our scimitars are our insights, our more experienced nuanced perspective. Is it worth the effort? YES!
Thank you, Julie! ❤️ You helped me feel so seen here. And I love the image of scimitars as insights. That really speaks to me of the suit of swords in the tarot, cutting through the negative patterns and pointing to the new perspective. Thank you for this image!
Oh Jenna, there is so much darkness and hate in the world right now. I suppose we all have to see it before wanting to come back together again to understand the value of unity. I trust your guides too and I sure hope they are right about us moving back to unity
Thank you so much, Miriam! ❤️❤️❤️ It can be so hard to have hope in times like these. I struggle with it often. But my guides are relentless about this message and so I do keep coming back to hope. I'm so glad we're on this journey together, Miriam. 🤗
I didn't mention love because I'm insure of its meaning. Is it attachment , a sense of belonging, the essence of God? It's worthwhile to pause on that familiar word and ponder it.
Yes! Pondering love is such a worthwhile endeavor. I do think (as much of a hippy cliche as it sounds) that love is the reason the divine created this realm, the desire to experience love. But what exactly is love? It's a bigger question than I can answer for sure. I once heard someone say that, at its finest, love is always a verb. It's not a thing we have or feel or give or receive, but it is the action of loving that matters. I've thought about that a lot over the years and it makes sense to me. But I think there's also more to love than that, because I do feel love. It's a force, much like gravity or magnetism. I wonder if love is the 'fabric' of the container, the threads of the net or web that holds us all together. Thank you for this enquiry, Julie! I'll be pondering this all day. 🤗
I've been thinking about this post for a few days. Separation and darkness are experienced heavily in this dimension. When one feels lifted out of identity and separation and is experiencing peace, clarity, and love, the dimension is simply different. I'm saying it's about dimension, which changes naturally with maturity I'm allowing this beautiful change into vividly alive fusion with my world, which is just beginning.
Vividly alive fusion with my world...holy cow, that's beautiful Julie! That's exactly what I'm wanting to invoke this year (though I had not had such gorgeous language for it). I really like the idea of thinking of all this in terms of dimension. After I wrote the post, I began thinking about holding separation and wholeness together at the same time. I think that works well in a dimensional framework. Thank you so much for bringing all of this!❤️
Thank you for sharing with us this aspect of separation your guides showed you. It’s beautiful and so moving. I felt it resonate with my heart. So lovely.
Wow Jenna! This is amazing. I am so glad your guides feel we are moving back to connection and reunion. This is what my teachers also say, although it's going to be (a little🤣) bumpy in the meantime!
You must have been suprised when they told you about seeing the face of your beloved! That was not what I was expecting and is a fascinating thing to consider.
I'm so glad your teachers are saying the same thing! I was so surprised when they said the thing about seeing the face of the beloved for the first time. It really took me aback. Those are the kind of messages that leave me with no doubt that this isn't just something I'm making up. I never could've come up with that on my own. And it makes me even more grateful for our friendship, that I get to behold the wonder that is you. ❤️
Jenna, deep contemplations and conversations. What comes up for me is the liminal. Big surprise, right? The polarities dancing and breathing together very much like your torus. Apart and then merging. With all the intricacies in between.
I wrote a poem yesterday about the mundane, like ordinary tasks. Through the process of it I realized that being present in the moment is not an arrival but an ongoing entering. Yet this is hard to maintain. For when the arrival happens, and it does, there is a simultaneous leaving. Like falling asleep or being distracted, or in my mind. Then when I am called back to cross the threshold, the deliciousness and awe of reentry. Being one, present with what is currently unfolding.
Oh my goodness, Julie, what you said here is gorgeous. Being with what is currently unfolding. In that light, it makes me think about the dance of separation and wholeness as only a perception anyway. At a more fundamental level, there is only wholeness, because we are always in liminality so we are always connected. I especially loved this statement: "being present in the moment is not an arrival but an ongoing entering." Stillness, too, is only a matter of perception. I'm going to meditate on that a while. Thank you so much for your wisdom here! ❤️
Thank you, Amy! That means a lot to me. I'm trying to go really slow with this container series because I know these topics can get a little weird. Your support really lifts me up!
I love these sentiments Jenna, and can understand the challenge with accepting the heaviness and pain of separation as a part of the human experience. What this reminds me of is the beauty within all things that we go through- like the dance between the light and the dark. For if we didn’t have or feel darkness, we wouldn’t know or feel light. For if we didn’t have or feel grief or separation, we wouldn’t know love or union. Not easy to grapple with or fully understand with our human minds, and yet, so relieving when our consciousness expands to recognize the laws of the universe.
I've often heard the theory that the Divine created humanity so that it could have someone to love. I never questioned that notion, until I studied A Course In Miracles. Let me be clear, I respect you, your guides, and your wisdom and it is not my intention to convince or persuade you of my ideas! I love your piece here and especially the emotional impact of your words. I find it significant to distinguish between the two ideas- God created us as a separate entity, and the ideas the Course provides: The Divine and Us are ONE- and we decided to believe in separation because we wanted to experience what that would be like. It's a fundamental shift in perception. Growing up in the church, I heard the Garden of Eden story many times. The "blame" was put on Eve, the snake, the tree.." Never was I taught that we were not kicked out of the garden, but that we left because we believed what the Course calls the "Tiny Mad Idea:" that we were separate from our Creator. This idea that we are One not only with all other human beings but also with the Source that created us is a monumental shift in perception that changes everything. If we ARE ONE- then "reunion" is more of an illusion than a reality because in reality we can never be anything but One. Obviously our bodies can die and be separate from other bodies, but we are not our bodies. We all dream of seeing our dearly departed loved ones again. I can't wait to see all my cats again! What intrigues me even more deeply is when we will be "reunited" with our perceived enemies, when all humankind falls in love with each other again in one Universal cosmic embrace and we wake up to the realization that this whole thing has been a projection of fear, a nightmare. It's a mysterious thing to ponder that 'Only the love is real", as Jesus claims in the Course. I certainly can't explain that- in light of what I see in our world, but I'm counting on those words to be true, and in the meantime, I'm taking it on faith. Believing in love feels like a better bet than believing in hatred , division, and fear. Tale care and thank you for your beautiful worlds and ideas!
Hi Susy! Thank you so much for sharing these thoughtful insights. I love A Course in Miracles! It played a huge part in my own personal healing journey.❤️ I completely agree that we are all one (not just humans and God, but everything, it's all ONE). For me, the separation, or perception of separation is part on the oneness. It's like the contracting and relaxing of a muscle. Still part of the oneness of the body, just functioning differently in different circumstances. One of my favorite sacred texts is the Sefer Yetzirah and it continually speaks of the multiplicity in unity, and the unity in multiplicity. That really resonates for me. At least right now anyway, I believe in both immanence and transcendence...God is both the physical (the body) and the non-physical/spiritual. Both are equally sacred. I've long believed that we know we're dealing with the Divine when we encounter paradox, because God is complete (so God is something as well as its opposite). You wrote so beautifully about reuniting with our enemies, and I think that points to the work of holding paradox. It's something I aim for (and am very curious about), but often miss the mark. Thank you again for bringing A Course of Miracles to the conversation! I think I'll revisit it. ❤️❤️❤️
I have a feeling if we met we could talk for hours and hours :) ! I've been grappling and pondering with these kinds of ideas my entire life. Jesus says in the Course "I Am not my body, I Am free, I Am as God created me."~ And I have thought about this for years. What does it truly mean, and how do I live IN this body, knowing it is not "ME?" The only thing that seems to be super simple and consistent is the centrality and omnipotence of LOVE. Love and forgiveness is at the core of everything; all my study and growth. Take care and keep writing! Love, Susy
I agree! We could spend hours in delightful conversation! 🤗 💕 I've been thinking a lot about the quote you posted (I am not my body, I am free...) and, like you, wondering what it means and how does my paradigm fit with it, etc. I even went to Course in Miracles to look up the corresponding lesson. This is something I will be pondering for a long time. I don't have any answers, but I think there's something about the idea (at least for me) of being the steward of my body. This body is the collective of so many things, and the consciousness that I seem to identify with rests here (at least occasionally) and I can be the steward of this sacred place. In any case, exactly as you say, Love is the core of everything. It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Blessings to you, friend! Thank you for bringing all this for me to contemplate!
I love the way you ponder! :) I've done a very deep dive into all the channeled works of Jesus. He dictated the Course, and other works too- The I AM Discourses, and 2 books in the 90's that directly relate to the teachings of the Course that make is so much easier to understand and apply to daily life. Journey Beyond Words, and The Other Voice were dictated by Jesus to Brent Haskell, and studying them has filled me with a deeper level of joy and awakening. For me it is so exciting and enlivening because I come from a more fundamental church background. Delving deeply into the teachings of the mystics, and discovering the mystical teachings of Jesus has been an incredible inward journey!! For me, it's all about the inner life- and merging it with the 3D world is where it gets tricky, like a puzzle that I keep trying to complete. Take good care of yourself, so nice to connect with you. You're what the Course calls a "Mighty Companion" and I appreciate you very much.
Jenna, your epiphany brought me to my knees as well, so to speak. Wiping away some profound tears as I collect myself. Thank you for sharing your vision. It has awakened new awareness in me. I feel broken open. I am seeing future goodbyes that I know are ahead of me, and I feel the enormous grief that is also so completely full of the Other’s love returning back inward. I have seen the torus many times; I have seen the fractal many times, but I never saw how they were connected. Now I see (and feel) the fractal, connected nature of things from the heart, and I know it is Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏
Oh my goodness, Kathryn, thank YOU! Thank you for sharing this experience with me, with us. ❤️ The image you had of the Other's love returning back inward is exquisite. I can't tell you how much it means to me that this message touched you this way. Thank you so much for being here!
I can’t believe I nearly missed this Jenna, it is so beautiful and I love how you have explained this, it’s such a perfect example of why we need the two sides of everything because how can we experience one without the other. It is our own choice as to how long we sit in each side, we have that control, which feels both beautiful and blissful. Thank you. 🙏💫
Oh, Louise, your insight into us having the choice of how long we sit in each side is wonderful. That feels like true empowerment. Thank you so much for this! ❤️
Thank you for sharing this to your wall Louise, I might have missed this. This is truly a wonderful community.
Yes, thank you SO much for sharing Louise! And you're so right, Kathryn, I absolutely love this community here on substack.
You are very welcome Kathryn, Jenna and her wisdom is truly inspirational. 💫🙏❤️
Thank you, but your language is very gorgeous. I like your unrestrained curious thinking, which you expressed in the polka dot birds story. I think separation weakens as dimensions change because we've battled with the negative patterns within. Our scimitars are our insights, our more experienced nuanced perspective. Is it worth the effort? YES!
Thank you, Julie! ❤️ You helped me feel so seen here. And I love the image of scimitars as insights. That really speaks to me of the suit of swords in the tarot, cutting through the negative patterns and pointing to the new perspective. Thank you for this image!
Oh Jenna, there is so much darkness and hate in the world right now. I suppose we all have to see it before wanting to come back together again to understand the value of unity. I trust your guides too and I sure hope they are right about us moving back to unity
Thank you so much, Miriam! ❤️❤️❤️ It can be so hard to have hope in times like these. I struggle with it often. But my guides are relentless about this message and so I do keep coming back to hope. I'm so glad we're on this journey together, Miriam. 🤗
I didn't mention love because I'm insure of its meaning. Is it attachment , a sense of belonging, the essence of God? It's worthwhile to pause on that familiar word and ponder it.
Yes! Pondering love is such a worthwhile endeavor. I do think (as much of a hippy cliche as it sounds) that love is the reason the divine created this realm, the desire to experience love. But what exactly is love? It's a bigger question than I can answer for sure. I once heard someone say that, at its finest, love is always a verb. It's not a thing we have or feel or give or receive, but it is the action of loving that matters. I've thought about that a lot over the years and it makes sense to me. But I think there's also more to love than that, because I do feel love. It's a force, much like gravity or magnetism. I wonder if love is the 'fabric' of the container, the threads of the net or web that holds us all together. Thank you for this enquiry, Julie! I'll be pondering this all day. 🤗
I've been thinking about this post for a few days. Separation and darkness are experienced heavily in this dimension. When one feels lifted out of identity and separation and is experiencing peace, clarity, and love, the dimension is simply different. I'm saying it's about dimension, which changes naturally with maturity I'm allowing this beautiful change into vividly alive fusion with my world, which is just beginning.
Vividly alive fusion with my world...holy cow, that's beautiful Julie! That's exactly what I'm wanting to invoke this year (though I had not had such gorgeous language for it). I really like the idea of thinking of all this in terms of dimension. After I wrote the post, I began thinking about holding separation and wholeness together at the same time. I think that works well in a dimensional framework. Thank you so much for bringing all of this!❤️
Thank you for sharing with us this aspect of separation your guides showed you. It’s beautiful and so moving. I felt it resonate with my heart. So lovely.
Hi Rebekah! Thank you so much! I love that it touched your heart as it did mine. Even in separation, we're all in this together.💕
Wow Jenna! This is amazing. I am so glad your guides feel we are moving back to connection and reunion. This is what my teachers also say, although it's going to be (a little🤣) bumpy in the meantime!
You must have been suprised when they told you about seeing the face of your beloved! That was not what I was expecting and is a fascinating thing to consider.
I'm so glad your teachers are saying the same thing! I was so surprised when they said the thing about seeing the face of the beloved for the first time. It really took me aback. Those are the kind of messages that leave me with no doubt that this isn't just something I'm making up. I never could've come up with that on my own. And it makes me even more grateful for our friendship, that I get to behold the wonder that is you. ❤️
Completely engaged with this pattern of the torus, Jenna, it so resonates with my Whitman project. We can (must) hope. 💛
Yes! I just went read your post and first comments. It's exactly the torus. I'm very intrigued to read the rest of the poem along with you.
Jenna, deep contemplations and conversations. What comes up for me is the liminal. Big surprise, right? The polarities dancing and breathing together very much like your torus. Apart and then merging. With all the intricacies in between.
I wrote a poem yesterday about the mundane, like ordinary tasks. Through the process of it I realized that being present in the moment is not an arrival but an ongoing entering. Yet this is hard to maintain. For when the arrival happens, and it does, there is a simultaneous leaving. Like falling asleep or being distracted, or in my mind. Then when I am called back to cross the threshold, the deliciousness and awe of reentry. Being one, present with what is currently unfolding.
Oh my goodness, Julie, what you said here is gorgeous. Being with what is currently unfolding. In that light, it makes me think about the dance of separation and wholeness as only a perception anyway. At a more fundamental level, there is only wholeness, because we are always in liminality so we are always connected. I especially loved this statement: "being present in the moment is not an arrival but an ongoing entering." Stillness, too, is only a matter of perception. I'm going to meditate on that a while. Thank you so much for your wisdom here! ❤️
Loved this so much
Thank you, Amy! That means a lot to me. I'm trying to go really slow with this container series because I know these topics can get a little weird. Your support really lifts me up!
I love these sentiments Jenna, and can understand the challenge with accepting the heaviness and pain of separation as a part of the human experience. What this reminds me of is the beauty within all things that we go through- like the dance between the light and the dark. For if we didn’t have or feel darkness, we wouldn’t know or feel light. For if we didn’t have or feel grief or separation, we wouldn’t know love or union. Not easy to grapple with or fully understand with our human minds, and yet, so relieving when our consciousness expands to recognize the laws of the universe.
You are so right, Christine, thank you! We need the opposites. That's the whole basis of the realm really.