The Primordial Pattern of the Universe (Container Series, Part One)
When we have this visual framework for our energy containers, as well as relationship itself, we can put our attention on it.
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I want to preface this post by saying that I am not a mathematician, nor am I a physicist. What I’m sharing with you here is my personal, spiritual experience with a particular shape/pattern, one that I had never before heard of, nor even seen, but one that would become the entire visual framework for my spiritual practice. My hope is that, by sharing it with you, you too might benefit from this framework to aid in your understanding of the workings of the Universe, including relationship itself.
One day, a few years back, I felt called to spend some time reading a sacred text (as I’m known to do in times of stress) and I chose the Chandogya Upanishad (a Hindu sacred text). I had no specific reason for choosing that text, I simply felt called to it. The verse I read was a meditation on the sacred sound: Om.
Roughly, the verse reads as follows:
"Let a man meditate on Om. The essence of all beings is the earth, the essence of earth is water, the essence of water the plants, the essence of plants man, the essence of man speech, the essence of speech the Rigveda, the essence of the Rigveda the Samaveda, the essence of the Samaveda the Udgitha, which is Om."
I loved the Ouroboros-type sense of the verse. The beginning (Om) was also the end. Everything that played out from the beginning ultimately led back to the same place.
Over and over I read this aloud. Then I closed my eyes and recited it from memory. I saw the words as images in my mind. I saw the syllable Om then it dissolved into living beings. I saw the beings becoming earth itself. Then Earth morphing into water, then plants, then man, then speech coming out of man and becoming breath. And the breath becoming Om once again.
I saw this play of images like a movie in my mind. Over and over. Until it changed. The individual images moved and morphed into a single image. One I had never seen before, but it felt entirely familiar. Some ancient part of me knew this thing and, yet, I looked upon it with the wonder of seeing it for the first time.
It looked like a sort of sphere made of a moving pattern of all the colors in existence. It wasn’t quite a sphere, though, because there was a hole in the top and bottom and a vortex coursed through a center tube. The whole thing kept turning in on itself in perpetual motion. It was spectacularly beautiful. I had no idea what it was called, but I knew it was important. I knew it was the shape and movement pattern of the Universe itself.
Finally, after being with the image as long as I was able, I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, I was having a dream about a friend of mine and in the dream, a guide suggested that I text him a gif of heart chakra energy. In a half-asleep daze, I reached for my phone to do what the dream suggested. I typed into the search bar “heart chakra energy gif” and there, on my phone, was the image of the movement of the Universe that I’d seen the night before. There it was. EXACTLY as I’d seen it. Multi-colored energy perpetually folding in on itself. I learned then that this shape and pattern is called a torus, or a toroidal field.
My breath was taken away. If I’d had any doubts that this was important, they were all but gone.
I connected with my guides and asked, specifically, what I needed to know about this. I was told that there are many, many things about this special shape and pattern that are important to know, and I would learn more in time. For the moment, what I most needed to know was that every single thing in the universe has (and is) a torus. Everything from the tiniest particle of energy to individual cells to entire organisms to Divinity itself exists within a toroidal pattern. It is fractal and holographic.
Then my guides showed me the image of two toroidal fields coming together and the edges crossing. It was like two spheres sliding into each other so that there was this football-shaped area of contact. It was a three-dimensional vesica picis. I was told, then, that the football-shaped area is RELATIONSHIP.
Finally, my guides told me a sort of creation story, or cosmology, based on the Torus:
In the beginning, there was only The Great Consciousness. It was total. Complete. In perfect balance.
But in typical divine fashion, which is always paradoxical, the Great Consciousness felt that totality was not enough.
The Great Consciousness wanted to experience LOVE.
In its eternal Wisdom, it knew that the experience of love required separation.
There had to be something outside itself; something to receive, and return, the love.
The great Consciousness also knew that, at least in part, True Love is the experience of letting go.
And so there was Contraction; the letting go of that which held it.
By contracting itself, The Great Consciousness created its own container.
And then it knew longing, the other face of Love.
The Great Consciousness ached for reunion with the Wholeness.
It reached out.
A pulse.
And so there was expansion.
This was the first heartbeat. The reaching for the other.
Then letting go came again, another contraction.
And, again, expansion.
The first breaths: inhalation, exhalation.
Contraction, expansion.
The dance perpetually repeating.
With every contraction, Consciousness folded in on itself.
and with every expansion, it unfolded.
Contraction. Expansion.
Folding. Unfolding.
Folding. Unfolding.
The perfect balance of infinite equilibrium, became the motion of the torus: the primal pattern of movement of the entire universe.
Why does this matter?
When we have this visual framework for our energy containers, as well as relationship itself, we can put our attention on it. From there, it can become a felt sense. We can feel our own toroidal fields. We can come to know them and learn when there might be an imbalance or a wobble or a deficiency. We can also learn to feel the toruses of everything around us. We can feel the energetic place of relationship that is created between us and whatever we are relating with. And then we can tend this place.
Learning about the torus this way was the first step on my journey into containers (that which holds us in every experience). But it hasn’t stopped there. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more container magic.
How does this idea of the torus resonate with you? Do you see the primordial pattern of energy in a different manner? Let me know in the comments below. Can’t wait to discuss it all!
Here are the next installments of The Container Series:
My first yoga teacher described OM as an endless dial tone for the universe. Whenever you pick up the phone to connect, you hear the OM. That has stayed with me. It's also one of my favorite chants, when we chant OM we're connecting back in to that river, that infinite flow, the dial tone.
Sacred geometry is powerful, beautiful and real. Fascinating when I see it showing up in my life, as the plants, energy, life force, sound, art work, meditation, etc. A confirmation of life revealing itself.
I shape I am very drawn to is the Vesica Piscis. In the last two pictures of yours when two fields, two circles come together they make another shape. That is the Vesica Piscis. It is the foundation of the seed of life and the flower of life. As well as the Merkaba the symbol I use for my substack. The Vesica Piscis has many meanings. But the one I am most drawn to is the sacred feminine aspects of it. Also it is a liminal shape. The unity between the pairs of opposites. Hmmmm I see a topic for a future post coming out of this comment...did not see that coming at all...thanks Jenna! (hope that is okay?)
Also I love that you brought OM into this. I was in a Hindu tradition for over twenty years, this is an incredible and powerful mantra. I love the descriptions you gave of it and the experience you had from it. Just Beautiful.