Well done Jenna! You did an excellent job explaining this challenging concept. I found the images super helpful and I learned a ton. I will be re-reading this many times.

After a chakra session with my acupuncturist earlier this year, I found myself powerfully tapped into the Grid in a way I had never experienced before. While this experience is still intermittent, I am able to tap into it at will now. However, for decades I have felt, seen, and sensed an energetic field coming from above, surrounding me and going down. I thought the energy was going into the Earth but after reading your piece I think I have been sensing a toroidal field all this time! I am going to allow and open to this energy in a greater way now. Thank you for your help with this. I loved this article!

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Oh Donna, thank you so much! This means the world to me.❤️❤️❤️ I love that you've been intuitively sensing a toroidal field already and that you can tap into the energy grid at will. To me, it's so affirming that we're never alone and that we're connected to a greater whole.

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I paid close attention and gave it a lot of thought after my comment and I see that this is exactly what has been happening to me. Wow. Wow. More wow!!!

Thank you so much for this learning, it is deeply enriching.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Sacred geometry is powerful, beautiful and real. Fascinating when I see it showing up in my life, as the plants, energy, life force, sound, art work, meditation, etc. A confirmation of life revealing itself.

I shape I am very drawn to is the Vesica Piscis. In the last two pictures of yours when two fields, two circles come together they make another shape. That is the Vesica Piscis. It is the foundation of the seed of life and the flower of life. As well as the Merkaba the symbol I use for my substack. The Vesica Piscis has many meanings. But the one I am most drawn to is the sacred feminine aspects of it. Also it is a liminal shape. The unity between the pairs of opposites. Hmmmm I see a topic for a future post coming out of this comment...did not see that coming at all...thanks Jenna! (hope that is okay?)

Also I love that you brought OM into this. I was in a Hindu tradition for over twenty years, this is an incredible and powerful mantra. I love the descriptions you gave of it and the experience you had from it. Just Beautiful.

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Yes, the vesica piscis! I've loved it and been drawn to it as liminality and the flower of life. It was when my guides showed me the toruses merging and the vesica piscis that formed as the image of relationship itself that it really hit home so to speak. And how it is also the shape of the eye...we see through relationship. Aaaaaaaa! I just love it so much! And of course it's okay with me if you write a post out of this. I think that would be amazing! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jenna! I love the verse that you read out to yourself..."The essence of all beings is the earth, the essence of earth is water, the essence of water the plants, the essence of plants man, the essence of man speech...." And in turn the essence of all that is LOVE.

May we all breathe in love and

breathe out love,

breathing in love,

and breathing out love

I also love the image that you saw...the vibration, the colour, the sense of balance, the sense of equilibrium, the essence of life-force. So powerful.

I also really like the image and how it can be used as a healing too...for self balance, stability and connection. Imagine doing a self healing on that image daily...one's aura would be so balanced and in alignment. And then using that image to heal the earth...wow!!! that feels powerful.

Thank you Jenna, for sharing your wisdom, your journey and your messages with us all.

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Thank you, Sam! ❤️❤️❤️ It is all about love, isn't it? That's what I keep coming back to. I'm such a visual person that having this torus image as my framework has been invaluable to me. Checkin in with my own torus and then expanding into the torus of everything has been one of the most healing things ever for me.

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Yesssss! I absolutely love this, I’m so excited for the next article! Studying, meditating, chanting & working with this knowledge of the foundation of energy / existence has been huge for my journey. So much of what I was receiving from my guides & channelling began to make sense when I started looking into sacred geometry & torus fields, I too didn’t have words or explanation for what I was experiencing. It all fascinates me, I often see frequency when I’m standing on the earth or listening to certain sounds - when I close my eyes the flower of life circles yet the pattern alters slightly depending on the frequency. I’m so excited to keep diving into this magic & hear your perspectives on it! 🤍

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Thank you so much, Madi! I'm excited to be on this journey with you too! ❤️ Your ability to see frequency sounds fascinating. In fact, you've opened my eyes to something. I often see patterns in the air and I had always thought I was just seeing the air. But now I wonder if it's actually frequency. I have noticed that I can see it more clearly when I'm standing barefoot on earth. I'm going to pay closer attention and see if I can notice how it changes depending on circumstances. Thank you so much for this observation!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

My first yoga teacher described OM as an endless dial tone for the universe. Whenever you pick up the phone to connect, you hear the OM. That has stayed with me. It's also one of my favorite chants, when we chant OM we're connecting back in to that river, that infinite flow, the dial tone.

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Oh I LOVE this, Lily! Picking up the phone to connect, and the dial tone of OM is always there, ready and waiting for us to plug in. Thank you so much for sharing this! This will stay with me too. What a perfect metaphor. ❤️

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Ohhhhhhh I ADORE this! So many thoughts spiraling in my brain - I've always thought the essential form of creation was a spiral and maybe there is some truth to both. But this reminds me of what I think about black holes. What is the light and matter that a black hole captures are the light and matter that also create the universe? We know that matter cannot be created or destroyed, therefore it all had to come from somewhere and fo somewhere. And we know the universe loves recycling lol. Black holes also erase the presence of Time, so i think they all lead to the Beginning. The moment of Creation. The matter becomes what first formed everything in existence. So the shape of the black holes would be the torus, ever reproducing itself in itself. Paradoxical yet so simple.

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Yay! Allyson I'm so glad this meant something to you! I completely agree about both the spiral and the torus, and I feel like they're related in some way. The torus makes me think of black holes too and I LOVE your comment about the universe recycling! I'm so fascinated by what you said about black holes leading to the beginning. I was once in a rabbit hole of wondering about the cycle of time and a guide told me that the cycle of time is a perpetual return to Source. I'm smiling so big having this conversation with you. I love this stuff! 🤗♥️

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