Explore the Genius archetype in this month-long deep dive, uncovering its gifts of insight, creativity, and innovation. Learn how to embrace your own generative power through tarot, reflection, and ritual, and discover how true genius is about more than intellect—it’s about bringing new possibilities into the world.
Yay! So glad you’re here, MacFinnian! I wasn’t familiar with the Genius either until I had an ancestor guide show me how there were these original 8 functions or roles that people in the community took part in. These 8 functions in many ways became the first archetypes. In case you’re interested in more of these, we did a deep dive on the Guardian last month. (here’s the final post of that series, which links to the others: https://spiritconnections.substack.com/p/the-archetype-and-the-tarot-the-guardian-946 )
Oh, this isn’t just a post: it’s a portal. ✨🔥 The Genius as a living current of possibility, a force that doesn’t ask for perfection but for daring? Yes, yes, and YES. The world worships intelligence like a trophy, but real brilliance isn’t a pedestal - it’s motion, it’s expansion, it’s service.
Also, that shadow side of the Genius? The temptation to hoard wisdom instead of weaving it into the collective? Chills. Because the mind is powerful, but the heart is the true alchemist.
Loving this journey already - let’s stretch the edges of what’s possible and see where this takes us. 🚀💡
Wow, thank you SO much, Dea! 🤗💖💖 The more I'm with the Genius this month, the more I'm coming know this force as the actual web of connection. I LOVE how you describe it as motion, expansion and service! That feels so right.
Thank you for this intro to the Genius archetype, I too am very excited to learn more through the tarot pairings this month. These words really landed for me: "true “genius” lies in our innate power to generate and express the creative spark within us." Such equalizing words. Genius is accessible -- innate -- for all of us. It's a matter of using the gifts we've been given, not a matter of a few elites being imbued with a gift of exceptional intellect or ability. I love this, so helpful!
Thank you so much, Keith! We all have an inner Genius. It really clicked for me when I was reading about the original meanings of the word. Genius is so much more about the spirit within (in-spiration) than being the smartest in the room. That not only makes me excited about my own Genius, but also about meeting everyone else’s! 💖🤗
Jenna, loving this exploration. Looking forward to a deep dive with this archetype. Opening to the genius in life, myself and the interconnections that bring greater awareness through it.
Thank you so much, my friend! 💖💖 I'm excited about it too! I really loved the time with the Guardian, but I can't deny that the world is calling us to come out of the cave. And I love that the Genius is who will be leading us out.
I love what you say about the origins of genius, which was completely new to me as I only understand it in its current meaning... but, "...pointing toward our capacity to bring new ideas, new life, and new possibilities into the world." is so much more exciting! Thanks!
Thank you so much, Phil! 🤗💖 When I first attuned to The Genius, I was amazed to discover it within me as something like a soft piece of bubblegum or silly putty. I’m not sure what I expected—perhaps a bright light, a spark, or those undeniable flashes of insight. But this bubblegum image was soft, moldable, and so tender. I was surprised, even a little confused, until I realized that my personal Genius is exactly these things. Insight and inspiration come when I allow myself to be moldable and tender. I truly believe that The Genius appears uniquely and perfectly within each of us, and I love how surprising that can be!
That is a wonderful and remarkable description of your attunement, thanks for sharing that. Your revelation clearly amazed and confused you, was there a particular turning point when you accepted your own truth, or was it a gradual realisation?
Wow, what an amazing question! 💖 Hmmm…I will have to ponder that. My initial thoughts are that my spirit team/guides bring me these visions and revelations and, because I trust them, I accept the revelations as truth very readily. But then I almost always have to work through a process (sometimes taking years) to actually live that truth, if that makes sense. It’s like I say to my guides, “I get what you’re saying and now I need to take however long it takes to get all of myself to line up with this.” What about you, Phil?
Yes, there's something about having, and taking, the time, isn't there?
I'm still trying to find myself on the map, if that makes sense, and resist the temptation to think that it's all futile because it didn't happen in the time it takes to eat a sandwich... conditioned to find swift solutions, but facing a situation where they don't exist... and that's ok... 😊
I love the image of something happening in the time it takes to eat a sandwich. Not only do I want the solution to happen quickly, but I want to feel completely satisfied afterwards. 😁 I’m with you on that! I do believe our relationship with Time will necessarily shift as we collective move towards a more relational way of being. My hope is that I can learn to allow for that without too much struggle. As my dad would say, though, “It’s nice to want things.” 😂
Jenna, this is wonderful! It made me breathe out. It reminded me that my “genius” is in my innateness and in my essence. That opened a door within me. Thank you. I am very excited abou this month ahead xxx
Thank you, Sam! ❤️ Something really clicked for me when I read about how genius originally had to do with our tutelary/protective spirits. It makes me think of The Genius as the spark of deity that lives within each of us, gifting us with insights, inspiration and bursts of creativity.
Genius is not an archetype I’m closely familiar with. I’m excited for your unfolding of of Genius, to see what journey it take me on
Yay! So glad you’re here, MacFinnian! I wasn’t familiar with the Genius either until I had an ancestor guide show me how there were these original 8 functions or roles that people in the community took part in. These 8 functions in many ways became the first archetypes. In case you’re interested in more of these, we did a deep dive on the Guardian last month. (here’s the final post of that series, which links to the others: https://spiritconnections.substack.com/p/the-archetype-and-the-tarot-the-guardian-946 )
Wonderful I’ll have to give it a look
Oh, this isn’t just a post: it’s a portal. ✨🔥 The Genius as a living current of possibility, a force that doesn’t ask for perfection but for daring? Yes, yes, and YES. The world worships intelligence like a trophy, but real brilliance isn’t a pedestal - it’s motion, it’s expansion, it’s service.
Also, that shadow side of the Genius? The temptation to hoard wisdom instead of weaving it into the collective? Chills. Because the mind is powerful, but the heart is the true alchemist.
Loving this journey already - let’s stretch the edges of what’s possible and see where this takes us. 🚀💡
Wow, thank you SO much, Dea! 🤗💖💖 The more I'm with the Genius this month, the more I'm coming know this force as the actual web of connection. I LOVE how you describe it as motion, expansion and service! That feels so right.
Thank you for this intro to the Genius archetype, I too am very excited to learn more through the tarot pairings this month. These words really landed for me: "true “genius” lies in our innate power to generate and express the creative spark within us." Such equalizing words. Genius is accessible -- innate -- for all of us. It's a matter of using the gifts we've been given, not a matter of a few elites being imbued with a gift of exceptional intellect or ability. I love this, so helpful!
Thank you so much, Keith! We all have an inner Genius. It really clicked for me when I was reading about the original meanings of the word. Genius is so much more about the spirit within (in-spiration) than being the smartest in the room. That not only makes me excited about my own Genius, but also about meeting everyone else’s! 💖🤗
Jenna, loving this exploration. Looking forward to a deep dive with this archetype. Opening to the genius in life, myself and the interconnections that bring greater awareness through it.
Thank you so much, my friend! 💖💖 I'm excited about it too! I really loved the time with the Guardian, but I can't deny that the world is calling us to come out of the cave. And I love that the Genius is who will be leading us out.
I love what you say about the origins of genius, which was completely new to me as I only understand it in its current meaning... but, "...pointing toward our capacity to bring new ideas, new life, and new possibilities into the world." is so much more exciting! Thanks!
Thank you so much, Phil! 🤗💖 When I first attuned to The Genius, I was amazed to discover it within me as something like a soft piece of bubblegum or silly putty. I’m not sure what I expected—perhaps a bright light, a spark, or those undeniable flashes of insight. But this bubblegum image was soft, moldable, and so tender. I was surprised, even a little confused, until I realized that my personal Genius is exactly these things. Insight and inspiration come when I allow myself to be moldable and tender. I truly believe that The Genius appears uniquely and perfectly within each of us, and I love how surprising that can be!
That is a wonderful and remarkable description of your attunement, thanks for sharing that. Your revelation clearly amazed and confused you, was there a particular turning point when you accepted your own truth, or was it a gradual realisation?
Wow, what an amazing question! 💖 Hmmm…I will have to ponder that. My initial thoughts are that my spirit team/guides bring me these visions and revelations and, because I trust them, I accept the revelations as truth very readily. But then I almost always have to work through a process (sometimes taking years) to actually live that truth, if that makes sense. It’s like I say to my guides, “I get what you’re saying and now I need to take however long it takes to get all of myself to line up with this.” What about you, Phil?
Yes, there's something about having, and taking, the time, isn't there?
I'm still trying to find myself on the map, if that makes sense, and resist the temptation to think that it's all futile because it didn't happen in the time it takes to eat a sandwich... conditioned to find swift solutions, but facing a situation where they don't exist... and that's ok... 😊
I love the image of something happening in the time it takes to eat a sandwich. Not only do I want the solution to happen quickly, but I want to feel completely satisfied afterwards. 😁 I’m with you on that! I do believe our relationship with Time will necessarily shift as we collective move towards a more relational way of being. My hope is that I can learn to allow for that without too much struggle. As my dad would say, though, “It’s nice to want things.” 😂
Isn't it just! BLT anyone? 😋
Jenna, this is wonderful! It made me breathe out. It reminded me that my “genius” is in my innateness and in my essence. That opened a door within me. Thank you. I am very excited abou this month ahead xxx
Thank you, Sam! ❤️ Something really clicked for me when I read about how genius originally had to do with our tutelary/protective spirits. It makes me think of The Genius as the spark of deity that lives within each of us, gifting us with insights, inspiration and bursts of creativity.