Sitemap - 2024 - Spirit Connections with Jenna Newell Hiott

January Archetype Experiment: A Deep Dive into the Guardian

Wrapping Up the Year: My Top 5 Posts for You

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Warrior and Page of Pentacles

Winter Solstice Magic: A Ritual for Reflection and Connection

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Thread and Five of Swords

The Tarot Court and Symbolic Sight

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Teacher and The Moon

Relating with Our Spirit Guides: A Simple 7-Day Challenge for Everyone

Sacred Roots: Module Three

I'm SO grateful for all of you!

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Rebel and Five of Wands

The Vessel of Reconciliation and the Power of Reaching Out

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Scribe and Ace of Swords

Sacred Sense: Reclaiming Wholeness in a Fragmented World

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Hedonist and The Empress

The Sacred Role of Psychopomps: How We Can Witness the Journey of the Dead

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Athlete and The Magician

Sacred Roots: Module Two

Samhain Blessings (and a little ritual)

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Thief and Five of Cups

Practical Magic, Coincidences, Small Miracles, Etc.

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Mystic and Four of Swords

An Update on Being in Love with my Life

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Prostitute and King of Wands

Exploring Tarot's Minor Arcana, Part One

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Shapeshifter and Queen of Swords

A Ritual for the Victims of Helene

Sacred Roots: Module One

Archetype and The Tarot: The Pioneer and The Eight of Swords

Introducing Sacred Roots: A Year of Ancestral Healing, FAQ post #4

The Archetype and The Tarot: Eros and Nine of Pentacles

Sacred Roots: A Year of Ancestral Healing

Honoring Endings: A Ritual

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Trickster and Seven of Swords

Introducing Sacred Roots: A Year of Ancestral Healing, FAQ Post #3

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Rescuer and The Sun

Introducing Sacred Roots: A Year of Ancestral Healing, FAQ Post #2

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Gambler and Five of Swords

Introducing Sacred Roots, A Year of Ancestral Healing, FAQ Post #1

The Languages of Spirit

Unlocking the Divine Within: The Power of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire in Ritual

Witchy Wednesday

The Mountains are Calling and We Must Go

The Archetype and the Tarot: The Bully and Ace of Pentacles

Where is the soul? Locating Our Spiritual Essence

The Archetype and the Tarot: The Destroyer and Eight of Wands

Lughnasadh Blessings!

The Archetype and the Tarot: The Judge and Three of Swords

Magic and the Depths [August's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Visionary and Queen of Pentacles

The Origins of S.T.A.R.: How I Learned to Connect with the Other Side

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Monastic and Six of Wands

Stewardship and Our Relational Future

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Explorer and The Hermit

Death's Wisdom: How a Conversation Changed My Perspective on Loving Life

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Networker and King of Wands

Magic and Community [July's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Student and Ace of Swords

Mutual Benefits: Relating with Spirit is a Two-Way Street

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Service Provider and Knight of Cups

Ocean Ritual with my Subscribers

California Connection: A Ritual to Mend My Relationship with the State

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Animal and Eight of Cups

Expanding MAGIC's POTENTIAL [June's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Samaritan and Knight of Pentacles

The Way Time Works in Dreams

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Analyst and Three of Swords

50th Birthday Post

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Lover and The Tower

A Little Ancestor Love

The Archetype and the Tarot: The Advocate and Eight of Cups

Getting a Yes or No from Spirit

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Slave and Page of Wands

Making MEANING with MAGIC [May's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Gem and The Empress

My Version of Spirit Writing

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Warrior and Justice

Introducing the Container of Presence (Container Series, part three)

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Mediator and Nine of Pentacles

The AND™️ Method

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Engineer and The Magician

Transforming Shadows with Magic [April's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Starborn and King of Pentacles

Ancestor symbols

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Scribe and Ten of Wands

Revisiting Comfort, a Throwback Thursday Post

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Exorcist and The World

Collaborative Nourishment with the World Around Us

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Mother and Three of Pentacles

Magic in Partnership [March's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Companion and The Hanged One

Remembering the Unclaimed Dead (and two requests for help)

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Addict and Nine of Swords

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Mystic and Ten of Swords

A Six-Month Celebration and Thank You

What Is This Thing Called Self? (Container Series, part two)

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Performer and Four of Cups

The Maintenance of Magic [February's BIG, HUGE, AMAZING Downloadable pack included!]

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Rebel and Seven of Cups

A Psychopomp Introduction

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Mentor and Four of Swords

The Archetype and The Tarot: The Father and Knight of Swords

The Beauty in Separation (Container Series, part 1.5)